Living in serviced apartments by ipartment (2024)

Your serviced apartment.


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Who says you can't have it all on your next trip – business or leisure? Enjoying the comfort and privacy like at home? The best location in the middle of town? The special service that you usually know and love from your hotel? And an extra provided by the unbeatable design and functionality? A fair price? With ipartment you get all that: fully equipped designer serviced apartments for a better living and working far away from your home.

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we are there,

Where do you need go? We can now offer you a second home to live and work in at 15 locations in Germany - short, mid and long stays, tailored precisely to your needs. With design, function, hotel-like service, digital guest journey and the comfort of your own flat.

Current locations

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Discover ourLocations

Living in serviced apartments by ipartment (6)

What's up?

  • Berlin, Berlin, Berlin

    ipartment is present in the capital with three locations in 2023. Our luxury project on Ku'damm, a location in Mitte/Wedding and the ipartment building at the airport will open in 2023.

    to the locations

    Living in serviced apartments by ipartment (7)Living in serviced apartments by ipartment (8)

    Living in serviced apartments by ipartment (9)


    Our house is located in the heart of the growing Berlin. In the new hotspot Gatelands Businesspark Kienberg - in close proximity to the airport Berlin Brandenburg, Adlershof, the Tesla Gigafactory and other business centers. The building is part of the THE UNIQUE project. The 159 serviced apartments with attached design lounge and own "Späti" kiosk was opened on 1.4.2023.


    Living in serviced apartments by ipartment (10)Living in serviced apartments by ipartment (11)

    Living in serviced apartments by ipartment (12)

Cleaning Service

We want you to feel like home in our apartments, but without sacrifying quality or service. Let us do some work for you: For example, with our regular cleaning and laundry service - fresh sheets and towels guaranteed. In addition, each house has its own laundry room, which you can be booked easily.

Living in serviced apartments by ipartment (13)

Fair price

With different apartment sizes from XS to L like Luxury, you will find the best price performance ratio for every need. And from 28 nights on, it becomes even more affordable with our long-stay rates. Business stay? Companies can benefit from attractive business rates.

Living in serviced apartments by ipartment (14)

Equipment: 100 %

You like to enjoy your coffee in the mornings and to relax in the evenings with a glas of wine, a home cooked meal and Netflix? We know that well. That's why each apartment features a custom-made, fully equipped designer kitchen, modern technology and is designed with attention to detail.

Living in serviced apartments by ipartment (15)


Business before pleasure? No problem. Our apartments are fully designed to accommodate living and working for the perfect work-life balance. Of course, this also includes fast and free internet as well as a skilfully integrated workplace. Nothing stands in the way of your "second" home office!

Living in serviced apartments by ipartment (16)


Your experience with ipartment should be 100% smooth. Your stay should be as easy and fast as your booking. To achieve this, we rely on digital solutions: Contactless check-in or extending your stay with one click is as natural to us as the digital guest folder with all information and recommendations.

Living in serviced apartments by ipartment (17)

Fancy a littele bit more?

Depending on the location, we can offer you even more services: You can exchange ideas in the coworking space before exploring the city on rental bikes. You may do a work out at the gym or yoga on the terrace before winding down for the day.

Living in serviced apartments by ipartment (18)


  • Living in serviced apartments by ipartment (19)

    Living in serviced apartments by ipartment (20)

    „ … as frequent traveler, I have seen many boarding houses and I can assure you that I felt very comfortable at ipartment, also because your offered services are an A+…

    Kirsten Felkner, Deutsche Bank AG

    Recommendations of
    our guests!

    Living in serviced apartments by ipartment (21)

    LEARN MOREabout ipartment

  • Living in serviced apartments by ipartment (22)

    Living in serviced apartments by ipartment (23)

    My stay at ipartment was very enjoyable. The fully equipped kitchen, entertainment center and washer/dryer are just some of the benefits. The mall located just across the street makes for convenient shopping with many dining options. The staff is very professional and helpful. I would recommend ipartment for an extended stay in Frankfurt.

    Brian Johnson, Bombardier Aerospace Parts Services, USA

    Living in serviced apartments by ipartment (24)LEARN MOREabout ipartment

  • Living in serviced apartments by ipartment (25)

    Living in serviced apartments by ipartment (26)

    As a producer and actor, I travel a lot for work and therefore need to stay in foreign cities for a longer period of time. This is how I came across the concept of ipartment and was both in Frankfurt and in Cologne for several months there as a guest. It really feels like home and I almost felt like living in my own apartment. Especially the design and the personal care convinced me. Thank you for a great time and good luck and all the best.

    Antoine Monot

    LEARN MOREabout ipartment

+49 221 921 636 200

Living in serviced apartments by ipartment (27)

Living in serviced apartments by ipartment (28)

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Our reservation team will get back to you as soon as possible with information on availability and price.

Anything else on your mind?
Feel free to contact us:

+49 221 921 636 200


Living in serviced apartments by ipartment (2024)
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Article information

Author: Kareem Mueller DO

Last Updated:

Views: 5942

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.