Al Pacino delivers a powerful speech in Any Given Sunday – An analysis (2024)

  • Analysis of a Speech, Speeches from Film
  • mannerofspeaking
  • May 4, 2010

Today we look at a powerful speech byAl Pacinoin the movie,Any Given Sunday. The premise for the movie (and the speech) is pretty simple: Pacino is the coach of a once-great football team that is now riddled with injuries and internal dissension, and is struggling to make the playoffs.

Prior to the big game, Pacino has to give a speech to his players that will motivate them to put aside their differences and work together as a team.

Al Pacino delivers a powerful speech in Any Given Sunday – An analysis (1)

It’s a wonderfully crafted speech and delivered perfectly by Pacino. It’s no wonder that he is widely recognized as one of the best actors of his generation. Have a look and then we’ll discuss it.

Powerful stuff. And don’t kid yourself – there is a lot in there that we can use in our own speeches. (Except, perhaps, the locker room language, although you never know when the situation will call for it.)

What I liked

  • Pacino takes the team on a roller coaster of emotions. He starts slowly and builds to a crescendo before taking his players down again. He then takes them up and down twice more. Audiences want to go on a journey. Take them.
  • He repeats the key word in the speech – “inch” – not once, not twice, but 13 times. Repetition is a powerful tool to drive home your message.
  • He uses tricolons – sets of three similar phrases or words – at least four times: 1:15, 2:15, 2:20 and 3:20. Using triples is a powerful technique to make an idea stick in your audience’s mind.
  • Al Pacino speaks with genuine emotion and exposes himself on the human level.
  • He has good eye contact.
  • He uses well-timed gestures: “We claw with our finger nails for that inch!”
  • Al Pacino uses contrasts to create powerful lines: hell and the light; winning and losing; living and dying.
  • He uses simple words.
  • Heends with a call to action: “What are you gonna do?”

Those are some of the thing that made the speech memorable for me.

Suggestions? Well, I know that it was scripted this way for the movie, but I would not have had Al Pacino holding his play sheet. If you watch the video again, you will see that there are times when he is passing the paper from hand to hand and otherwise playing with it. Not a major thing, to be sure, but some might find it distracting.

Write your speech like a poem

Before concluding, I would like you to do one more thing. Below is the text of Al Pacino’s speech. I’d like you to play the video again but read along with the text. Note how I have written it.

Thatis how you should write out your speeches.

Winston Churchill said that a speech is poetry without form or rhyme. He believed that it should not be written for reading, but rather for the way the audience will hear it. In memorable phrases.

Note the words that end each line below. They are almost all significant and the pauses that follow them allow the ideas to sink in.

Even if you do not read your speech, crafting it this way will help you formulate your ideas, choose the right words and deliver them with the right cadence, emotion and emphasis.

Try it for your next speech. I promise that you will notice a difference.

Al Pacino Speech

I don’t know what to say really.

Three minutes,
to the biggest battle of our professional lives,
all comes down to today.

Now either,
we heal as a team,
or we’re gonna crumble.

Inch by inch,
play by play,
till we’re finished.

We’re in hell right now, gentlemen.
Believe me.

we can stay here and get the sh*t kicked out of us.
we can fight our way back … into the light.

We can climb out of hell.

One inch, at a time.

Now, I can’t do it for you.
I’m too old.

I look around, I see these young faces and I think,
I made every wrong choice a middle age man can make.

I pissed away all my money, believe it or not.
I chased off anyone who’s ever loved me.
And lately, I can’t even stand the face I see in the mirror.

You know, when you get old in life,
things get taken from you.
That’s part of life.
But, you only learn that when you start losing stuff.

You find out life’s this game of inches.
So is football.
Because in either game,
life or football,
the margin for error is so small.

I mean,
One half step too late or too early,
and you don’t quite make it.
One half second too slow, too fast,
you don’t quite catch it.

The inches we need are everywhere around us.
They’re in ever break of the game.
Every minute, every second.

On this team, we fight for that inch.
On this team, we tear ourselves, and everyone else around usto pieces for that inch.
We claw with our finger nails for that inch!

Because we know,
when we add up all those inches,
that’s gonna make the f*cking difference between winning and losing!

Between living and dying!

I’ll tell you this:
In any fight,
it’s the guy who’s willing to die
who’s gonna win that inch.

And I know,
if I’m gonna have any life anymore,
it’s because, I’m still willing to fight and die for that inch
Because that’s what living is!
The six inches in front of your face!

Now I can’t make you do it!
You gotta look at the guy next to you.
Look into his eyes!

Now I think
you’re gonna see a guy who will go that inch with you.
You’re gonna see a guy who will sacrifice himself for this team
because he knows when it comes down to it,
you’re gonna do the same for him.

That’s a team, gentlemen.

And, either we heal – now! – as a team!
Or we will die as individuals.

That’s football guys.
That’s all it is.

Now, what are you gonna do?

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  1. Wow! I never thought of writing a speech like a poem, but I’m going to give it a try for my next Toastmasters speech. Thanks for the tip. I’m going to pay a lot more attention to ‘speeches’ in movies from now on!!! Terrific work on this blog, as always John. (I used to talk to you once in a while on Twitter, back when I used the @JustObserving handle. I deleted that account and now go by @BrianCSimpson; and I tweet for my Toastmasters club as @CapitalCityTM.) I’ve added your blog to our blogroll. 🙂


    1. Brian, thanks very much for the comment and kind words. I have always written my speeches this way and paid close attention to the endings of the lines because those are the words on which the emphasis is placed. If you try this out, do let us know how it goes.
      I will follow you on your new Twitter account.


  2. Poetry is a great way to give a speech. It helps to flow and dramatize it in a way that’s moving to your audience and yourself. Great!


  3. This is just what I am looking for. I am using this as a guide to give my oral interpretation speech tomorrow! Thanks!


    1. Charlie, thanks very much for the comment. Glad that you found the post helpful. Best of luck with your speech!


  4. As always, great analysis and tips. Thanks John!


    1. Sana çok teşekkürler, Özgür.


  5. I am working on doing crisper evaluations, so this helped me out a lot. I really like the idea of thinking how a movie impacts us, or moves us, and applying that same feedback to a speech we have just heard. I am going to try to incorporate that tonight in my evaluation. Thanks. I am definitely bookmarking this blog!


    1. Pam, thank you for the comments. I am glad that you found the post helpful. Let me know how the evaluation goes.
      Speeches from film are interesting. Because they are staged, they come out perfectly (and usually with music!). Real life isn’t like that. Nonetheless, because speeches from movies are so scripted, they can often give us insights into what we should be aiming for.


  6. Twenty years on from Scent of a Woman and another amazing speech by Pacino. Yes, these are scripted for movies, but his speech from “Scent” remains in my memory long after the viewing. I did note the repetition and the building of emotions. His closing line is simple but leaves little doubt in the minds of his audience – action.
    Thanks, John, for sharing.


    1. Thanks for the comment, Toni. Pacino is, indeed, one of the greats. Even if, as you say, the speeches are scripted for movies, there is still a lot that we can learn from them. (Just think about how much have learned–and continue to learn–from Shakespeare!) “Scent of a Woman” is one of my favourite movies and I too vividly remember that final speech. Perhaps the subject of a future post …
      Hope all is well.


  7. Great analysis! I would like to add the importance of vocal variety. Viewers of the movie might say, “Well, he’s an actor…” I’d say they do not have a point. Authenticity on stage requires to be yourself. Why then exclusively exclude your voice from the authenticity rules? In fact, I’d recommend you use your voice exactly like Al does. When you are angry, be angry. When you are sad, be sad. When you are happy, be happy. Reflect all emotions on stage just the way you do in a bar talking to your best friend. That is authenticity. Be Al, be authentic!


    1. Great comment, Florian. I think that many speakers, for whatever reason, miss out on connecting with their audiences because they are not themselves. They are not authentic. Great advice!


  8. Al Pacino is my all time favorite. Is there a way to contact him? I have tried but don’t know how. I have a possible film in mind that has been with me for 30 years. A love story during The Holocaust, about my parents who were Jewish and how they survived the war.


    1. Boy, I’m sure there is a way to contact him, but I have no idea how. The only thing I can think of is to try to Google his agent. Good luck!


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Al Pacino delivers a powerful speech in Any Given Sunday – An analysis (3)


Al Pacino delivers a powerful speech in Any Given Sunday – An analysis (4)

John delivered a keynote address about the importance of public speaking to 80 senior members of Gore’s Medical Device Europe team at an important sales event. He was informative, engaging and inspirational. Everyone was motivated to improve their public speaking skills. Following his keynote, John has led public speaking workshops for Gore in Barcelona and Munich. He is an outstanding speaker who thinks carefully about the needs of his audience well before he steps on stage.

Karsta Goetze

TA Leader, Gore and Associates

Al Pacino delivers a powerful speech in Any Given Sunday – An analysis (5)

I first got in touch with John while preparing to speak at TED Global about my work on ProtonMail. John helped me to sharpen the presentation and get on point faster, making the talk more focused and impactful. My speech was very well received, has since reached almost 1.8 million people and was successful in explaining a complex subject (email encryption) to a general audience.

Andy Yen

CEO, Proton Technologies

Al Pacino delivers a powerful speech in Any Given Sunday – An analysis (6)

John gave the opening keynote on the second day of our unit’s recent offsite in Geneva, addressing an audience of 100+ attendees with a wealth of tips and techniques to deliver powerful, memorable presentations. I applied some of these techniques the very next week in an internal presentation, and I’ve been asked to give that presentation again to senior management, which has NEVER happened before. John is one of the greatest speakers I know and I can recommend his services without reservation.

David Lindelöf

Senior Data Scientist, Expedia Group

Al Pacino delivers a powerful speech in Any Given Sunday – An analysis (7)

After a morning of team building activities using improvisation as the conduit, John came on stage to close the staff event which was organised in Chamonix, France. His energy and presence were immediately felt by all the members of staff. The work put into the preparation of his speech was evident and by sharing some his own stories, he was able to conduct a closing inspirational speech which was relevant, powerful and impactful for all at IRU. The whole team left feeling engaged and motivated to tackle the 2019 objectives ahead. Thank you, John.

Umberto de Pretto

Secretary General, World Road Transport Organization

Al Pacino delivers a powerful speech in Any Given Sunday – An analysis (8)

I was expecting a few speaking tips and tricks and a few fun exercises, but you went above and beyond – and sideways. You taught me to stand tall. You taught me to anchor myself. You taught me to breathe. You taught me to open up. You taught me to look people in the eye. You taught me to tell the truth. You taught me to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes. I got more than I bargained for in the best possible way.

Thuy Khoc-Bilon

World Cancer Day Campaign Manager, Union for International Cancer Control

Al Pacino delivers a powerful speech in Any Given Sunday – An analysis (9)

John gave a brilliant presentation on public speaking during the UN EMERGE programme in Geneva (a two days workshop on leadership development for a group of female staff members working in the UN organizations in Geneva). His talk was inspirational and practical, thanks to the many techniques and tips he shared with the audience. His teaching can dramatically change our public speaking performance and enable us as presenters to have a real and powerful impact. Thank you, John, for your great contribution!

Sara Canna

HR Specialist, World Health Organization

Al Pacino delivers a powerful speech in Any Given Sunday – An analysis (10)

John is a genuine communication innovator. His seminars on gamification of public speaking learning and his interactive Rhetoric game at our conference set the tone for change and improvement in our organisation. The quality of his input, the impact he made with his audience and his effortlessly engaging style made it easy to get on board with his core messages and won over some delegates who were extremely skeptical as to the efficacy of games for learning. I simply cannot recommend him highly enough.

Thomas Scott

National Education Director, Association of Speakers Clubs UK

Al Pacino delivers a powerful speech in Any Given Sunday – An analysis (11)

John joined our Global Sales Meeting in Segovia, Spain and we all participated in his "Improv(e) your Work!" session. I say “all” because it really was all interactive, participatory, learning and enjoyable. The session surprised everybody and was a fresh-air activity that brought a lot of self-reflection and insights to improve trust and confidence in each other inside our team. It´s all about communication and a good manner of speaking!"

Jon Lopez

General Manager Europe, Hayward Industries

Al Pacino delivers a powerful speech in Any Given Sunday – An analysis (12)

Thank you very much for the excellent presentation skills session. The feedback I received was very positive. Everyone enjoyed the good mix of listening to your speech, co-developing a concrete take-away and the personal learning experience. We all feel more devoted to the task ahead, more able to succeed and an elevated team spirit. Delivering this in a short time, both in session and in preparation, is outstanding!

Henning Dehler

CFO European Dairy Supply Chain & Operations, Danone

Al Pacino delivers a powerful speech in Any Given Sunday – An analysis (13)

Thanks to John’s excellent workshop, I have learned many important tips and techniques to become an effective public speaker. John is a fantastic speaker and teacher, with extensive knowledge of the field. His workshop was a great experience and has proven extremely useful for me in my professional and personal life.

Eric Thuillard

Senior Sales Manager, Sunrise Communications

Al Pacino delivers a powerful speech in Any Given Sunday – An analysis (14)

John’s presentation skills training was a terrific investment of my time. I increased my skills in this important area and feel more comfortable when speaking to an audience. John provided the right mix between theory and practice.

Diego Brait

Director of the Jura Region, BKW Energie AG

Al Pacino delivers a powerful speech in Any Given Sunday – An analysis (15)

Be BOLD. Those two words got stuck in my head and in the heads of all those ADP leaders and associates that had the privilege to see John on stage. He was our keynote speaker at our annual convention in Barcelona, and his message still remains! John puts his heart in every word. Few speakers are so credible, humble and yet super strong with large audiences!

Guadalupe Garcia

Senior Director and Talent Partner, ADP International

Al Pacino delivers a powerful speech in Any Given Sunday – An analysis (2024)


What was the purpose of the any-given Sunday speech? ›

The first key theme is giving it your all to show improvement. The second key theme is holding onto the dream and working as a team. The coach at a football team says, "either we win as a team or we die as individuals." At any football game, no matter what team it is, the goal is to win the game.

What is the quote Al Pacino Any Given Sunday? ›

Tony D'Amato : On any given Sunday you're gonna win or you're gonna lose. The point is - can you win or lose like a man? Tony D'Amato : That's what a leader's about: sacrifice. The times he's gotta sacrifice because he's gotta lead, by example.

What is the main purpose of his speech? ›

The general purpose of most speeches will fall into one of four categories: to inform, to persuade, to entertain, and to commemorate or celebrate. The first step of defining the purpose of your speech is to think about which category best describes your overall goal with the speech.

What does the term "any given Sunday" mean? ›

The phrase "on any given Sunday" is a colloquial expression that means that anything can happen on a particular day, particularly in the context of sports or other competitive activities.

What was the purpose of the inaugural speech? ›

Most Presidents use their Inaugural address to present their vision of America and to set forth their goals for the nation.

What was the purpose of the Give Me Liberty speech? ›

This speech was given by Patrick Henry on March 23, 1775, in response to interference of the Royal Navy brought in from the King's appointed Governor, Lord Dunmore. Mr. Henry was requesting that it was time for the Virginia colony to raise a militia in order to defend their right to freedom.

What was the purpose of the speech at the March on Washington? ›

March on Washington Intro

The event focused on employment discrimination, civil rights abuses against African Americans, Latinos, and other disenfranchised groups, and support for the Civil Rights Act that the Kennedy Administration was attempting to pass through Congress.

What is the story of Any Given Sunday? ›

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