Any Given Sunday (1999) Movie Script (2024)

When a devastating hit knocks a professional football legend and quarterback Cap Rooney out of the game, a young, unknown third-stringer is called in to replace him. Having ridden the bench for years because of a string of bad luck stories and perhaps insufficient character, Willie Beaman seizes what may be his last chance, and lights up the field with a raw display of athletic prowess. His stunning performance over several games is so outstanding and fresh it seems to augur a new era in the history of this Miami franchise, and forces aging coach Tony D'Amato to reevaluate his time-tested values and strategies and begin to confront the fact that the game, as well as post-modern life may be passing him by. Adding to the pressure on D'Amato to win at any cost is the aggressive young President/Co-owner of the team, Christina Pagniacci, now coming into her own after her father's death. Christina's driving desire to prove herself in a male dominated world is intensified by her focus on the marketing and business of football, in which all coaches and players are merely properties. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
This game...

This game has got to be
about more than winning.

You're part of something.

Lombardi, Tittle, Sammy Baugh, Unitas.

Those men on the wall.
You're part of that now.

I want you to cherish it
because when it's gone...'s gone forever.

When I look at them pictures
and trophies, it just makes me sad.

It's like a room full of ghosts.

When I'm done with this game...

...I don't want to be no ghost.
I wanna be more than that.

Looks like Cap's gonna make it
back in time for the playoffs.

-I'm gonna start him.

I knew you were gonna sell me out.

Cap's a leader. He's a team player.

WILLIE: That's such bullsh*t!
He ain't half the athlete I am.

You look me in the eye and tell me
that Cap is a better player.

Cap's a better player.

I guess somebody else
won them last two games.

He lost four in a row!
I lead by doing.

You kicked ass.

But Cap Rooney has been doing it
for years.

And his time is over.

WILLIE: And yours is too,
unless you take some risk!

Play this game the way
it's played today.

It's not about
the pictures on the wall!

TONY: I've lived this game
for three decades, kid!

I know football.

TONY: Those men on the wall...
WILLIE: They wanted to win.

Just like you do.

You can feed the press that whole
sacrifice and glory-of-the-game crap.

But I been there.

I seen a long line of coaches...

...with that same old bullsh*t
halftime speech.

-Yes, it's bullsh*t.

WILLIE: You know it's bullsh*t
because it's about the money.

The TV contracts,
fat-cat boosters in the skyboxes.

Coaches trying to up their salaries.

You looking for the next black stud
to take it to the top 10.

Get you in a bowl game.

It's the same way in the pros.

Except in the pros,
the field hands get paid.

Don't play that race card on me, kid.

25 years I work with men
of your color.

WILLIE: Maybe it's not racism.
Maybe it's placism.

Brother has to know his place.
Right, boss?

I don't understand
what you're talking about.

You don't trust anybody
because of what happened in college?

You knew the rules.
You were the one that broke them.

-How did I break them?

I lost a million-dollar
signing bonus...

...because I took a $300 suit
from a booster to go to a wedding.

What's a brother supposed to do
in college? He ain't got money.

He wants to go out on a date.
Wants to get some nice clothes.

Everybody had their hands out...

...but it was me they suspended.

I dropped six rounds in the draft
because of that.

The coaches labeled me: "He's trouble.
He don't wanna play ball."

You talk about sacrifice.

I sacrificed $10 million because dumb
rednecks like the coach in San Diego...

...made me a cornerback
because I got quick feet.

He separated my shoulder tackling
250-pound motherf*ckers.

I don't do that!

I was a great football player.

But nobody let my shoulder heal,
and they traded me out of there.

You go ahead.
Blame everybody but yourself.


Because that's what a leader's about.

TONY: The times he's gotta sacrifice
because he's gotta lead by example.

Not by fear and not by self-pity.

Who you think you're talking to?

Half my career is over
and you want me on the bench... sacrifice for the glory
of Cap Rooney? f*ck you!

I ain't buying your brand.

Just because you some scared old man.

You feel like if I play my way,
I just might win.

Then what was your life about anyway?

You're not some flash-in-the-pan
corner or receiver...

...or even Julian Washington.
You're a goddamn quarterback!

You know what that means?!

It's the top spot, kid.

It's the guy takes the fall.

It's the guy everybody's looking at
first, the leader of a team.

Who will support you
when they understand you.

Who will break their ribs and their
noses and their necks for you...

...because they believe.
Because you make them believe.

That's a quarterback.


I'm the leader of your team...

...till Cap's back up.

Then I'm back on the bench.

You ain't said two words to me
till Cherubini went down.

Then it was, "Go out there and... like you're in the 'hood.
You're throwing the ball...

...and your mama's
ringing the dinner bell."

All you do is talk at me, man.

I'm gonna stay who I am.
Steamin' Willie Beamen.

With the time I got left,
I'll play my way. Get my dollars up.

So when you go to waive me, trade me
or whatever the f*ck y'all do...

...l'll be worth 10 times what
I was worth before I got here.

You're very, very young.

And you're very, very stupid.

What're you doing? Get off the lawn!

It's Mr. Beamen. How you doing?

It's about winning. That's what this
country's about. Being number one.

This whole country was built
on kicking immigrant ass.

African ass, Chinese ass.

Don't matter who ass.

Get the f*ck out!

Get the f*ck out of here, bitch!

Every kid can grow up
to be President, right?

Who the hell want to grow up
and be vice president?

There ain't no number twos
in football.

Homeboy! Welcome to the pit!

You come to my house,
you bring me no flowers?

You played me.

blowj*bs upstairs. If you want
the skin, trawl the beach.

Don't mess the sheets.
My wife's back on Tuesday.

-I won't spill a drop.
SHARK: Hey, no sem*n, no blood.



You tell me.
Who lost the Pantheon Cup last year?

Who came in second
at the 100-yard dash in the Olympics?

Where I'm from, either you're
number one, or you ain't sh...!

That's a fact.

My man, Willie B.

Did you get
the Vince Lombardi speech?

He was in my face
like we lost the game.

I got out of Dallas because
I worked harder than anybody else.

You make it and get the big car,
or you don't and catch the bus...

...and you in the funeral home,
because to me, losing is dying.

"Losing is dying. "
I am down with that!

I think we'd be top dog
if the defense would step up.

Lay off the D, man. Shark hear you
saying that, he'll kick your ass.

Like I give a f*ck.
I'm trying to win some games.

I ain't trying to kiss
no overrated loser's ass.

What you care about?
You playing for yourself.

What you talking about, punk?

You gotta earn the right
to diss somebody on this team.

Team, please. You call this a team?

I see a bunch of super-fly
brothers running around... in the white man's world...

...getting their dicks sucked by ho's.

J, you were a great football player.

Now you done turn into a joke.

You're playing,
but you're dying inside.

What the f*ck you mean,
I'm dying inside?

Kiss my Armani ass! Know what I did for
this team? I'll take your life, man!

Football is a corporation.

Black kids are raised
to be stars, individuals.

They do not learn to work together.

-Beamen's talking sh*t about you.

Talking about how we'd be on top
if the defense would do their job.

f*cking kidding me!

Motherf*cker! I'll break a piece
off in his goddamn ass!



What the f*ck is wrong with you,

In football, you have
the offense and the defense.

You can't have one without the other.

Respect will be paid!

Somebody call you a cab.
Get out of my house!

But isn't this an awesome New York
pass rush coming at you?

When you're out there,
is the fear in the belly?

The fear and the terror.
No, I don't feel none of that.

They won't touch me. They won't
feel me. They won't even smell me.

I don't care if it's the T-Rex
or the Terminator chasing me.

I got this invisible juice.
Once I turn it on, I'm gone.

Stay down, motherf*cker.

BRANSON: Beamen is sacked again.
He goes down hard.

They won't play for him, Tony.

Let him f*cking learn, then!

TUG: Welcome back
to the Monsoon Bowl, folks.

The Emperors have been eating
Shark patties all night long.

Smash-mouth football.
This is what it's all about.

BRANSON: Halfback up the middle.
Lavay steps up to fill the gap...

...misses the tackle.

The Emperors block their way
into the end zone. It's a touchdown.

Good job, offense! Way to play!

BRANSON: Just about everything
that can go wrong has here today.

Murphy's Law in effect
for Tony D'Amato.

Can I get some f*cking protection?!

If you're not blocking,
get the f*ck out the way!

Loudmouth showboat motherf*cker!

Where's your steam now, Willie?

You f*ckers wanna make it tough?!

I can take that sh*t.

Come contract time,
there'll be a whole bunch of changes!

Just give us the play.

It'll be you or me.
And it ain't gonna be me.

Red 14. Hike.

BRANSON: And there goes home-field
advantage for the Sharks.

Although their season ends on a low
note, there's still life after death.

Look for them in the playoffs... Tough Town, U.S.A.:
Dallas, Texas.

There goes that black dynasty
you promised me, darling.

What's the matter?
Forgot your invisible juice?

Stop this now!

Thirty years in football...

...I never seen something
stinks like this!

Today out there... embarrassed yourselves.


...l'm ashamed to be your coach.

ROSE: Lucky for him, some Sharks
still have teeth left in their head.

Tell you the truth,
they remind me of my ex.

I don't know what more I can do.

Doesn't make sense,
my not having a home. A life.

Game's all that matters to me.

Because it's pure.

TONY: Four quarters.
You cross a line, you score.

It's sane. Life isn't.

Life is f*cked.

It's a new world, Tony.

In my day, we used to just be happy
to get the goddamn job.

I used to shovel liquor
in the off-season.

You know, sell used cars, insurance.

Some of the guys used to even wrestle.

But, sh*t, now, prima dogs.

Bodies that are year-round great,
but crack just like china.

It's TV.

Changed everything.

Changed the way we think forever.

I mean, the first time
they stopped the game... cut away to a f*cking commercial,
that was the end of it.

Because it was our concentration
that mattered, not theirs.

Not some fruitcake selling cereal.

Who wants to think about blitzes
when you're holding your grandkids?

You gonna miss your friend
screaming in your face...

...embarrassing you
in front of your players?

That's why I wanna coach high school.

Get back to the basics.

Kids don't know nothing.
They just wanna play.

Like you said, Tony...'s pure.

Come on. You know my name.

So, what are the odds?

Well, there's no telling.

It's an odontoid fracture.

Basically, Luther, you broke your neck,
and it never healed correctly.

It's hard to predict
this kind of thing...

...but what I can say is
that the wrong kind of hit...

...could result
in paralysis, seizures...

...even sudden death.

What else is new?

In my opinion...

...he is not medically fit to play.

I need one sack
and three more tackles...

...and I get my bonus. Then we'll talk.
Okay, motherf*cker?

Come on, Luther.

Have you ever seen
an old punch-drunk boxer...

...stumbling around drooling...

...with no memory of
what he's done in his life?

You want that life, Luther?

You need me against Texas, don't you?

Don't you?

Of course I need you against Texas,
but not...

...not at this price, no.

For a million dollars, I will shake
like a coconut on a tree if I got to.

Coach, I gave you 13 years.
You can give me one.

Football's my life, coach.
It's my life.

It's all I know how to do.

Please, man.

Come on, coach, please.

You have to sign a waiver, Shark.

Bring it on, man. Bring it on.


We need to have
a discussion about Harvey.

Where the hell's D'Amato?

Don't you ever say that
your papa didn't believe in you.

Don't believe what your mom says.

You evil motherf*cker!
Come over here.

Shark's film.

I know what you did, asshole!

You switched the results
so Powers wouldn't pick up on it.

Princess, I'll call you right back.

Granted, it could look that way
to a layperson.

I want you out of here!

You're taking the high road?

You didn't consult with him!
He could get killed out there!

You didn't consult with him?!

I'm gonna consult with a player?
I knew his answer!

Getting killed? Maybe, maybe not.
One chance in 1000.

But nobody blitzes
like the Shark, right?

TONY: I never wanna see you near
one of my players again!

They couldn't take a piss
in the morning without their pills!

MANDRAKE: You're gonna play innocent?
f*ck your innocence!

What about Beyer?
Or Nielstrom and Manzicki?

Logan and Krause?

TONY: I will not have this discussion
with you!

MANDRAKE: You don't wanna hear
the answer? Don't ask the question!

And you, you f*cking snitch.

Did you ever think about Shark
putting food on the table?

You lied to him.

You didn't give him a choice.

-lt's a doctor's ethics.
-Since when?

The Hippocratic oath, that's when.

The one that starts, "Do no harm"?

With all due respect, I didn't
have to ask because I knew the answer.

Who am I to tell these men
they cannot live their dream?

They won't live with shame like you.

They are gladiators.
They are warriors!

And long ago, they made that choice.

Not you! Not you!

Not me. I won't be responsible
for standing between them...

Didn't you ever have...

...a dream, Ollie?

I'm living it, Harv.

Oh, f*ck it.

We did win the Pantheon though,
didn't we?

See you around the old nursing homes.

Courtney, let's go.

No. I'm gonna stay here.


Perfect. Stay here.

And get butt-f*cked by
twelve Neanderthals. Bitch!

Coach D., what do you say?

Out of my way!

Well, that's just great.

That's just f*cking great!

Did you get that?



Nobody's gonna hit your puss*-ass.

I know, man. I just got happy feet.
I'm getting old.

I should just trust that you'll
do the right thing for Willie B.

Is it true you make 10 million a year?

That's right.

It must be true about you
not blocking no more either.

KID: Dad says you won't take passes up
the middle because you might get hurt.

What's that?

SHARK: You led, nigg*r.
But did anybody follow?

Let me tell you something:

For every sucker who makes it...

...for every Barry Sanders,
for every Jerry Rice...

...there's a hundred nigg*rs
you never heard of.

Sure. The game's taught you
how to strut... to talk sh*t, how to hit.

But what else?

Suddenly, there's no more money... more women, no more applause.

No more dream.

This is what I'm trying to say to you.

When a man...

...looks back on his life,
he should be proud of all of it.

Not just the years he spent
in pads and cleats.

Not just memories of...

...when he was great.

You gotta learn that in here.

If you don't, you ain't a man.
You're just another punk.

CAP: Who wants mustard on their
hot dog? Johnny?

DAUGHTER: No, just ketchup.
CAP: Just ketchup.

Ketchup, mustard, mustard...

So doc's cleared you for Sunday?


That's great.

Hey, Cindy!

A little help?

Come on.

TONY: Paper's got us at six-point dogs.
You believe that?

I can't wait to strap it on and stick
it to Dallas like we used to.

Show them what this game's all about,
right there in the playoffs.

-You okay?
-Yeah, sure.

Doc got it wrong about your back?

It hurts a lot more than I thought.
I think I pushed it too hard.

Don't play hurt.
You just need the needle.

Yeah, I'm sure that's it.

Maybe you ought to go with Willie.

Are you seeing your psychiatrist?


Well, are you depressed?

Rock, come on!

You wanted to play. I fought for you.

If something was wrong, you
should've told me. I had four weeks.

I could've gone another way!

I'm sorry.

I got blank spots in my memory.
It's weird.

And I shake.

Sometimes I can't even hold a spoon.

And I'm always on painkillers
for my elbow...

...or my rib or my neck!

Now I got this ruptured disc,
and I just...

Even with all that,
I would go back in a second...

But if I go in there, Tony...

...l'm gonna fold.

And I just...

I can't do that.

You know these things you're saying...

...all in your head, Rock.

They're not real.

You understand?

You know you got it in you...

...because I know you do.

It's my body, Tony.

It's my body. It's not there.

I wouldn't let you get hurt.

I need you, Rock... lead this team.

Come on.

One more time.

You and me.

You and me, together.

Trust me.

You need me, Tony, I'll be there.

Thank you.

What I'm saying is...

...l've got my rings,
we took care of our money...

...and the kids are all right.

We had a good run.
I just think that it's time for me... get out after this season.

And do what?

I talked to a guy
at one of the networks...

You are a football player.

Will you hear me out?

You're a football player, Jack.

And you have two or three years
left in you.

Cindy, you are missing
the big picture here.

There is no big picture here, Jack!

You're the goddamn quarterback
for the Miami Sharks!

You're a legend,
and you're talking about quitting?

All my life people have been telling me
what to do, ever since college!

This is not your decision!
It is my decision...!

I will not listen
to this bullsh*t from you!

I will not!


Wanna know why?

Because they want you.
You know what I'm saying?

The sky's the limit, baby.

They'll swallow
the beer distributorship.

The funny thing about this
whole situation is... one knows how good
you really are.

You get in that playoff game,
you score... can forget about this team.
They'll lose anyway.

WILLIE'S DATE: I'm bored.
AGENT: Can you give me a second?

AGENT: You'll get five million
serious dollars from somebody.

I'm gonna tell you something else.

Christina wants to give you $2 million
to extend you for the year.

But we're gonna wait.

That's what you hired me for,
to watch your back.

You follow me?

I hope you're doing that, Wayne.

In case I ain't made out of steel.

I'm saying, what if
my arm starts hurting?

Where you coming from with that?

Baby, ain't nothing
gonna fall apart on you.



Excuse me.

Hey, that's Willie Beamen!

How you been? Long time.


-Things are cool.
-Getting what you wanted?

I blew it, V.

Everything was just happening so fast,
I didn't have time to think.

I was thinking maybe we could go out,
we could just get together.

I don't think so, Willie. I'm sorry.

Okay, okay.

I understand. Or do I?

You're just too volatile for me.

I'm a simple girl.
I like simple things.

Truth be told, I didn't even
like football. I liked you.

I'm sorry.

-I understand...
-Willie, no!

-Get out of here!
-I need to talk to you.

Oh, my goodness, Barbara Bush.

-Where you been all my life?
-I'm sorry.

You're looking good too!

There's that smile
I've been looking for.

Listen to me. I just need to know
that I can call you.

Willie, no.

Tell me that I can call you,
or I'll never talk to you again.

You're so full of sh*t.

No, I'm not. I'm very serious.

Don't test me.

You can call me as long as
you get out of here! Now go!

Get out of here!

-You too shy?
-No, I'm not shy!

I got a date out there.

You're talking about
the mortician out there?

You're just jealous because he's tall.

But he can't ball.

I'll holler.


Was I the last to know?

Cindy Rooney told me.

What the hell are you doing
starting Cap?

Throwing him against the best
pass rush in the league?

Cap's my starter.

CHRISTINA: If we lose this game...
TONY: I'll do you one better.

In the off-season, I'm trading Willie.

That's not your option.

Your kid may sell a lot of T-shirts,
but he is tearing this team apart!

-Then hold it together!
-I can't! Not with him.

Where are you going?

You will start Willie on Sunday...

...and you'll make the adjustment
to modern times.

You don't tell me what to do.

Nobody tells me what to do!

Your father never told me what to do!
You're not gonna start!

I'd cut my father's ass
if we were losing like this.

You know, I'm really getting
sick and tired of you.

Your father was no genius.

He only acted like he was one.

And he took credit for a lot of things
he never did!

He at least respected me.

CHRISTINA: Would you stop using
my father as a scapegoat?

I can't even imagine what he'd think
of you right now...

...but my hunch is, he'd be ashamed.
He'd be ashamed!

Why do you think he put me in charge,
you bullheaded moron?

He could've made you general manager,
but he didn't, did he?

You know why?

He knew you didn't have the guts
to do it after he was gone!

It's true, Tony.
He couldn't trust you.

You got old.

Hello, Christina.

I'll be in my father's office.

TONY: Christina will destroy this team.
MARGARET: What's your fear?

MARGARET: You've got so much fear
inside of you, Tony.

I'm losing the team, Maggie.

I'm losing control.

Everything in my life's about control.

I lead men.

I control.

Did Art think I was past it?

I don't know.

Do you care?

You never understood Artie,
did you?

He wanted a son...

...more than anything else
in the world.

MARGARET: And when you really think
about it, what Christina is...'s just such a tragedy.

You know, she will sell the team.

And everything her father
stood for is gonna die.

And what will you do, Tony,
after football...

...with nobody to control?

Stop it. What are you doing?

Hey, I blame you for a lot of things.

You were like Artie.

A monster.

You've gotten older. Better.

But for a long time I hated you.

That game took my husband,
my daughter... youth.

Left me with what?

All those Sunday afternoons
at the stadium.

And time...

...just kept slipping away, didn't it?

How's your head, Jack?

ROSE OVER TV: It's nice of you to ask.
It still hurts, quite frankly.

Like you guys, I play hurt.

Look at the monitor, you'll see
it was more than aggression.

Out of my way!

Well, that's just great.

ANNOUNCER: There's D'Amato, his
14th consecutive game with a touchdown!

MAN: We regret to inform you that your
husband, Lieutenant Louis D'Amato...

... was killed in the European
theater of operations.

And to your son, Anthony D'Amato...

...our deepest regrets.

DALLAS ANNOUNCER: Controversy swirls
around the six-point Shark underdogs.

Willie "Steamin"' Beamen,
the sensational quarterback...

... who's held the Sharks together,
is not starting.

He's said to be feuding
with his beleaguered coach...

... who's being investigated
for hitting Jack Rose...

...earlier this week at practice.

TUG: I'd say that's
a bit of an exaggeration.

-A mild shove.
-We'll find out later.

I'm the best yard receiver
that's ever lived.

I can catch anything.

I'm the best receiver
that's ever lived.

That's right.

immortal but vulnerable Cap Rooney...

...only six weeks off
a microdiskectomy...

...will start against
the league's toughest pass rush.

TUG: "Toughest"?

DALLAS ANNOUNCER: Get ready for the
sparks to fly. We'll be right back.

TONY: "The tension of the season
got to me...

...and I overreacted to an innocent
question from a journalist...

...we all know to be
of the highest caliber.

I only hope that one day I'll truly
be able to show Jack Rose...

...just how much I treasure
his invaluable contribution... the sport of football."

Thank you.

Where's your wheelchair?

-Hello, commissioner.

God, I hate Texas.

Oh, sh*t.

How are the headaches?

Fine, till you start doing that sh*t.

Your balance?

My check balance?

Looking P-H-A-T, baby. Phat.

Go on, get out of here.
You're done.

How about another shot, doc?

You don't need it.
It doesn't make any sense...


Don't give a sh*t about medical, doc.
Give me some of that cortisone sh*t.


TUG: The surviving team will move on
next week to Minnesota...

...cold country for the
AFFA conference championship.

In the meantime,
we're back to another dang commercial.

I don't know what to say, really.

Three minutes...

...till the biggest battle
of our professional lives.

All comes down to today.

Either we heal as a team...

...or we're gonna crumble.

Inch by inch, play by play,
till we're finished.

We're in hell right now, gentlemen.

Believe me.

And we can stay here,
get the sh*t kicked out of us...

...or we can fight our way
back into the light.

We can climb out of hell... inch at a time.

Now, I can't do it for you.

I'm too old.

I look around, I see these
young faces, and I think...

...I made every wrong choice
a middle-aged man can make.

I pissed away all my money,
believe it or not.

I chased off anyone
who's ever loved me.

And lately, I can't even stand
the face I see in the mirror.

You know, when you get old in life,
things get taken from you.

I mean, that's part of life.

But you only learn that
when you start losing stuff.

You find out life's this game
of inches.

So is football.

Because in either game,
life or football...

...the margin for error is so small... a step too late or early,
and you don't quite make it.

One half-second too slow, too fast,
you don't quite catch it.

The inches we need are
everywhere around us.

They're in every break of the game,
every minute, every second.

On this team, we fight for that inch.

On this team, we tear ourselves...

...and everyone else around us
to pieces for that inch.

We claw with our fingernails
for that inch...

...because we know when we add up
all those inches...

...that's gonna make the f*cking
difference between winning and losing!

Between living and dying!

I'll tell you this. In any fight...'s the guy who's willing to die
who's gonna win that inch.

And I know if I'm gonna have
any life anymore...'s because I'm still willing
to fight and die for that inch.

Because that's what living is!

The six inches in front of your face!

Now, I can't make you do it!

You gotta look at the guy
next to you!

Look into his eyes!

I think you're gonna see a guy
who'll go that inch with you!

You're gonna see a guy...

...who will sacrifice himself
for this team...

...because he knows,
when it comes down to it...'re gonna do the same for him!

That's a team, gentlemen!

And either we heal now, as a team...

...or we will die as individuals.

That's football, guys.

That's all it is.


...what are you gonna do?



Here we go, ladies and gentlemen.

Oh, no.

He's in the open field.

He's gonna go all the way!

To the thirty. All the way!


Way to go! No big deal.

We still block and tackle.

We didn't say we'd win by a shutout.
Nothing changes, right?

Stay with the game plan.

-Set for the first series?
-Piece of cake.

Bring it home, Rock.


ANNOUNCER: How about a big Texas-size
welcome for the Miami Sharks...

...and quarterback Jack Rooney!

My baby!

Guys, I missed your ugly mugs.

Just like old times.
Your disk still spinning?

Like your favorite CD, baby.

Listen up.


It's a 12-point game for Dallas.

What? It's just one touchdown.

In your hometown.

A long way to go,
a lot of time to play.

There he goes. Sack number 12.

That's a personal high
for Luther Lavay.

We're gonna have a good ball game,
whatever you think.

TUG: Man, I can't believe this.
It stinks.

DALLAS ANNOUNCER: We're better. We'll
win if we don't make any mistakes.

Inches, inches.

Let me on the finance committee. I'll
make a difference with the networks.

I know New York.
I can be incredibly effective.

Your mother looks great, by the way.

-She loves Dallas. Neiman Marcus.
-She's a good woman.

And your golf?

I'm about an 11 from the whites.

-Think you're ready for me?
-Don't think I'm in your class.

First down, Dallas!

It's a good game.

Good team.

Thank you.

I don't wanna bother you about this...

The owners would like you to
come to New York for a meeting.

About what?

COMMISSIONER: There's a concern
that's been voiced...

...about some moves made
on your behalf...

...for another Los Angeles franchise.

-Rules have been broken. We've heard...
-Who said this?

Would Wednesday this week be too soon?

No. That'd be fine.


The best of luck to you today, then.

I honestly believe that woman
would eat her young.

What the f*ck just happened?


DALLAS ANNOUNCER: That's the meaning
in one sentence...

...of captain Jack Rooney.

He won't take no for an answer.

Good job, Cap!

Good job, baby!

They can't f*ck with you!

ANNOUNCER: Score at halftime:
Knights 21, Sharks 17.

-I'm going down.
ADVISOR: Is that a good idea?

-Can you play?
-I'm banged up, but I'm all right.

Can you play?

Yeah, you bet.

Look at me, Rock.

You were a warrior out there today.

I will never forget this.

Go do your job, coach.


This isn't about you and me anymore.

You gotta lead this team.

When they look in your eyes...

...they gotta believe.

I know.

What do you think you're doing?
Cap is finished.


TONY: Never talk that way
in front of my players!

Get out of here!

I don't give a sh*t if Willie
is out there changing the plays!

You let your ego get in the way
of this team...

...and you'll lose
this f*cking game!

Get out of here!!

Uh, Miss Pagniacci...

I'm sorry, but Coach D.
already told me I was going in.

Control the line of scrimmage,
you'll control this game.

Possession of the ball,
that's all I want. Move those chains.

Read the safety's drop.
If he backpedals, then we go downtown.

Surprise them. Make it sudden.

If you see their arms shaking,
that means they're coming.

Control the line of scrimmage,
you control the game.

You said that already.

One more thing. Right out of the gate,
let it fly, go 999.

Shock the sh*t out of them!


What a way to start
this second half!

He's down at the 48-yard line.

That's a tough break for this kid,
his first time in the playoffs.

He's gotta be feeling the pressure.

Branco's just aching to nail you.

Watch his knuckles.
If they go white, do a fade to Sandman.

You want me to check off?

Where's the coach I knew and loved?

If Branco bites.

First down.


Looks like he had damage to his eye.

On the four!

Twist it! Twist it!

Here we go.
Strong Left Zig 90 Gun on three.

I'm serious. It's Coach D.'s call.

By the way...

...l'm sorry about getting a big head.
It wasn't me.

It was the devil. Red 666.

Let's get them
before they know what hit them.

On three. Ready?

Watch the robber on your right.

He'll be coming at you.

Hut! Hike!

Touchdown, Miami.

I'm good!

This one right there.


If you hit him for another score
in the next series, he'll fold.

I know it.

Four-forty. Hike!

Touchdown, Miami.

That's what I'm talking about, baby!

Depending on how the election goes...

We got six producing wells probably
pumping out about...

Your home base is in Dallas?

The thing that bothers me most... if you don't have 30,000
in attendance...

Coach, it's fourth and one,
we need a time-out.

MONROE: All right. Shark! Let's go.
Run the Three-man.

Looks like Dallas is going for it.

He is going for the victory now,
not a tie.

Here we go now. One time.

DALLAS ANNOUNCER: This is the game,
Tug. If Miami can hold them here...

... Willie Beamen will have
one last chance.

This is where the famous rubber...

...meets the famous road.

Settle down! Be proud!

Guys, y'all gonna make this play.

One yard stands between us
and Minnesota!

They got no respect for us.

Shark flat on his ass!

Everything we ever fought for
is on the line right now.

Be proud!

Strong right! Strong right!

Is it first?

Sharks' ball! First down!

TUG: Looks like a man's down
at the line of scrimmage.

Luther "Shark" Lavay.

DALLAS ANNOUNCER: He's been the heart
and soul of this defense.

Let's hope he's okay.

Stabilize his head.

Shark? Shark!

Can you hear me?! Check his hands.

We got a pulse.

I don't know, coach.

TONY: What does that mean?
Is he breathing?


Talk to me, Shark. Come on.

Let's get that board over here!


Is this how it starts?

Is he gonna...

Come on, baby.


Did I stop him?

TONY: You stopped him cold, goddamn it!

Major bonus, baby. One million bucks!

One, two, three, roll.

One, two, three.

Don't you guys drop me.

I'm worth a million dollars.


DALLAS ANNOUNCER: Well, 55 seconds.
You think they can pull it off?

TUG: Look at that. Oh, boy!
Is Dallas in trouble now!

Willie Beamen's ritual.

Let's put Sanderson to work.

WILLIE: 55 seconds. Do or die.
We throw on two.

Ready. Break!

It's beautiful to watch you throw.

It's beautiful to hear you say that,
not-so-old man.

Razor! Check it. Razor!

Do it.

Do it! Come on!

Be there!

Flag! On the play.
It's coming back.

Holding, 69.

No touchdown! Holding!

You're out!

Touched an official!

Not anymore! Get off!

Thank you.


The backbreaker.

Damn it!

-We got them where we want them.

I'll take it in myself.

I liked you when you was puking!

-Who are we?

I feel like things are changing,
you know?

Things are out of control.

Maybe I'm just out of control.

Sorry for the way I've been behaving.

It's all right.

Keep your wits about you.

Roll it! Roll it!

Yes, yes, yes!


Time-out, Miami!

That's the last one.
Something's gotta be wrong.

-They had it cold.
-Smart move.

There's something I've been
really dying to ask you.

Remember when you came to my place?
I made dinner for you?

Did you not like the jambalaya?

Worst sh*t I ever tasted.
Why do you think I've been throwing up?

I thought that.

-No, you know that.
-Now go win this game!


Tony, we got nine seconds!

CROZIER: If he's stopped inbounds,
the game's over.

This is what coaching's all about.

Hey, Nick, you up for it?

Spread West Hustle...

West Hustle 60...

Sixty Comanche?

Man has balls of iron.

-We in this together?
-Dynamic duo, baby!

Nine seconds left to play.

Mom, Mom, Mom!

Don't let him out-of-bounds!


Out-of-bounds on the 3!

Unselfish! Unselfish!
Way to go, Julian!

-Wait, I don't know where to look.
-Up there.

You hear that? That's four seconds.

Time-out called by the Knights.

Dallas 35, Miami 31.

Now, remember,
see it before you do it.

Julian gave you the shot.

Make them believe, Willie.

This time, now.

One on one, man on man.

We do it together, all right?

I know y'all don't wanna go home.

It ain't no tomorrow!

TUG: Three yards to go. Four seconds.
One play.

We've been in too many of these.

This one'll get it.

Four seconds.

Four seconds is a lifetime!

We're a lifetime away here!


Rifle 22!


TUG: I think he lost it!
It didn't go!

Watch out! Watch out!


Oh, yeah!

Touchdown! Touchdown!

Nice night.

Can't get over Cap.

I learned more watching him in the
first half than I did in five seasons.

Next week I'll win it
just for him.

Glad to see success hasn't
gone to your head too much, kid.

Who, me? Steamin' Beamen?


This is your moment, Willie.

Savor it.

But never forget. On any given Sunday,
you're either gonna win or lose.

"But can you win or lose like a man?"
I got it, coach.


Next year...

...l'm out of here.

I figured.


I'm not the right guy
for this team anymore.

I wouldn't say all that.

TONY: There was this great quarterback
in the '70s I knew.

I mean, this guy was one tough
son of a bitch.

He fought for every inch he ever got.

He didn't have your natural skills,
but he could make it happen.

He could win.
But the game passed him by.

Anyway, I ran into this guy...

...a few weeks ago in L.A.

We had a few beers, and we start
talking. You know what he told me?

He said when he looked back...

...he didn't really miss
the Pantheon Cups...

...or the girls...

...or even the glory.

You know what he missed?

What he missed were those other guys
looking back at him in the huddle.

Those eleven guys...

...every one of them seeing things
the same way.

All of them looking downfield...


That's what he missed.

I'm gonna miss you, amigo.


You know, my arm has been killing me.
I met with a specialist who said...

I'm scared.

We're all scared.

If you think it's easy being a coach,
I'll trade your microphone for my ulcer.

I'm a triple-decker
stress sandwich right now.

Why is that, coach?
The 32-13 loss to San Francisco?

You're not even close, Johnny.
Try fishing someplace else.

CHRISTINA: And I want to live up
to what it is my father left me.

A legacy.

A feeling of a bond with this town.

A feeling that this is our house.

The Pagniacci house.

And we have great confidence...

...that in the final hour,
our mayor will be there for us.

And Tony...

Know this.

Wherever you go, you will always be...

...loved and greatly respected.

Thank you.

Thanks for helping me understand again
what I had forgotten.

Tony D.!

He's been here 30 years!

Even the dogs are sad, he said.

It's been way too long
not to win a big one.

San Francisco sure
took care of that for us.


In football, as in life, things change.

I guess it's time for me to get the
hell out of the way, bring in the new.

I like Nick Crozier.
I think he'll do a great job.

But most of all I want to thank
the people of Miami...

...for their support through
the last 20-some odd years.

Gee, it just flew by.

It's really meant a lot to me.

It meant everything to me.

I've had a great, great ride,
believe me. And...

And I'm gonna miss you.

He's an arrogant son of a bitch,
but I'll miss him.

In thinking about change...

...I don't know, I felt maybe it was
time for me to make a change too.

And it was Willie Beamen taught me
how to give it another shot.

So starting today...

...l'm taking over as head coach...

...for that new expansion team in
Albuquerque, New Mexico, the Aztecs.

"Why, " do you say? Because they're
giving me full management control.

But hoping not to make a complete fool
of myself out there...

...I just signed Willie Beamen
as my starting quarterback...

...and franchise player for the Aztecs.

So, Miss P, I look forward to seeing you
next season across those sidelines.

So long... Au revoir...

See you when the clouds come home.

Especially you, baby.
Smoking cigars on me now, are you?


Thought we had him tied up!

All right, little man!

What's up? What's your name?

Hey, what up, man? What up? What up?

How y'all feeling?

All right, now.
Y'all be looking out for the game now.

Any Given Sunday (1999) Movie Script (2024)


What is the famous line from any given Sunday? ›

Tony D'Amato : On any given Sunday you're gonna win or you're gonna lose. The point is - can you win or lose like a man?

What is any given Sunday movie about? ›

What is the most quoted line? ›

1. "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."

What is the football quote from any given Sunday? ›

Tony D'Amato: You find out life's this game of inches, so is football. Because in either game - life or football - the margin for error is so small. I mean, one half a step too late or too early and you don't quite make it. One half second too slow, too fast and you don't quite catch it.

Who originally said any given Sunday? ›

The quote itself was originally derived from a statement made in 1952 by then-NFL commissioner Bert Bell about the league's devotion to financial and competitive parity.

What is any given Sunday speech? ›

The film "Any Given Sunday" was inspired by the famous American football coach Tony D'Amato with his speech: "When we add up all those inches, that's going to make a difference between winning or losing, between living or dying".

What is the quote for divine mercy Sunday? ›

On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the Fount of My mercy. The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. … Let no soul fear to draw near to Me. …

What is the most famous line in Friday? ›

1. CRAIG: “Bye, Felisha.” (HONESTY NOTE: It's not the movie's best line, but is the most well-known).

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.