Math Calculator - Online Calculators to Solve Math Problems Step by Step (2024)

Have a glance at the comprehensive array of calculators and solve your complex problems too easily. Be it any kind of Calculator for Math you name it and we have it. Access the free online calculators through the direct links provided and get accurate yet straight forward descriptions to have an idea on the concept thoroughly.

  • Maths Formulas
  • Math Tables
  • Cubes and Cube Roots List
  • Table of Squares and Square Roots
  • Percentages Table
  • Percentages Formulas
  • Percentages calculators
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  • How to Calculate Percentage
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  • Percentage Calculator
  • Percentage Change Calculator
  • Percent Grade to Degree Calculator
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Percentage Table


Percentages Formulas

Y = P% * X

WHAT is P% of X?

Ex: What is 25% of 150?

Y is 25% of 150

Equation: Y = P% * X

Solving our equation for Y

Y = P% * X

Y = 25% * 150

Converting percent to decimal:

p = 25%/100 = 0.25

Y = 0.25 * 150

Y = 37.5

Y is WHAT Percent of X?

35 is what percent of 175?

35 is P% of 175

Equation: Y = P% * X

Solving our equation for P

P% = Y/X

P% = 35/175

p = 0.2

Convert decimal to percent:

P% = 0.2 * 100 = 20%

Y is P% of WHAT?

35 is 12% of what?

35 is 12% of X

Equation: Y = P% * X

Solving our equation for X

X = Y/P%

X = 35/12%

Converting percent to decimal:

p = 12%/100 = 0.12

X = 35/0.12

X = 291.6667

P% * X = Y

WHAT % of X is Y?

Ex: What % of 2400 is 360?

P% of 2400 is 360

Equation: P% * X = Y

Solving our equation for P

P% = Y/X

P% = 360/2400

p = 0.15

Convert decimal to percent:

P% = 0.15 * 100 = 15%

P% of What is Y Calculator?

35% of what is 560?

35% of X is 560

Equation: P% * X = Y

Solving our equation for X

X = Y/P%

X = 560/35%

Converting percent to decimal:

p = 35%/100 = 0.35

X = 560/0.35

X = 1600

Ex: P% of X is What Calculator?

32% of 560 is what?

32% of 560 is Y

Equation: P% * X = Y

Solving our equation for Y

Y = P% * X

Y = 32% * 560

Converting percent to decimal:

p = 32%/100 = 0.32

Y = 0.32 * 560

Y = 179.2

Y ÷ X= P%

Ex: Y out of What is P% Calculator?

350 out of what is 15%?

350 out of X is 15%

Equation: Y/X = P%

Solving our equation for X

X = Y/P%

X = 350/15%

Converting percent to decimal:

p = 15%/100 = 0.15

X = 350/0.15

X = 2333.3333

Ex: What out of X is P% Calculator?

What out of 450 is 12%?

Y out of 450 is 12%

Equation: Y/X = P%

Solving our equation for Y

Y = P% * X

Y = 12% * 450

Converting percent to decimal:

p = 12%/100 = 0.12

Y = 0.12 * 450

Y = 54

Ex: Y out of X is WHAT Percent Calculator?

570 out of 850 is what %?

570 out of 850 is P%

Equation: Y/X = P%

Solving our equation for P

P% = Y/X

P% = 570/850

p = 0.6706

Convert decimal to percent:

P% = 0.6706 * 100 = 67.06%

X + (X × P%) = Y

Ex: X plus P% is WHAT?

Ex: What is 25% of 150?

350 plus 12% is what?

350 plus 12% is Y


X + (X × P%) = Y

X(1 + P%) = Y

Solving our equation for Y

Y = X(1 + P%)

Y = 350(1 + 12%)

Converting percent to decimal:

p = 12%/100 = 0.12

Y = 350(1 + 0.12)

Y = 350(1.12)

Y = 392

Ex: X plus WHAT Percent is Y?

420 plus what % is 560?

420 plus P% is 560


X + (X × P%) = Y

X(1 + P%) = Y

Solving our equation for P

P% = Y/X - 1

P% = 560/420 - 1

p = 0.3333

Convert decimal to percent:

P% = 0.3333 * 100 = 33.33%

Ex: What plus P% is Y?

What plus 25% is 450?

X plus 25% is 450


X + (X × P%) = Y

X(1 + P%) = Y

Solving our equation for X

X = Y/(1 + P%)

X = 450/(1 + 25%)

Converting percent to decimal:

p = 25%/100 = 0.25

X = 450/(1 + 0.25)

X = 450/1.25

X = 360

X - (X × P%) = Y

Ex: X minus P% is WHAT?

450 minus 12% is what?

450 minus 12% is Y


X - (X × P%) = Y

X(1 - P%) = Y

Solving our equation for Y

Y = X(1 - P%)

Y = 450(1 - 12%)

Converting percent to decimal:

p = 12%/100 = 0.12

Y = 450(1 - 0.12)

Y = 450(0.88)

Y = 396

Ex: X minus WHAT Percent is Y?

650 minus what % is 325?

650 minus P% is 325


X - (X × P%) = Y

X(1 - P%) = Y

Solving our equation for P

P% = 1 - Y/X

P% = 1 - 325/650

p = 0.5

Convert decimal to percent:

P% = 0.5 * 100 = 50%

Ex: WHAT minus P% is Y?

What minus 2% is 490?

X minus 2% is 490


X - (X × P%) = Y

X(1 - P%) = Y

Solving our equation for X

X = Y/(1 - P%)

X = 490/(1 - 2%)

Converting percent to decimal:

p = 2%/100 = 0.02

X = 490/(1 - 0.02)

X = 490/0.98

X = 500

Percentage Change Formula

Percentage Change = [ (New_Value - Original_Value) / |Original_value| ] * 100

Ex: Percentage Change from 250 to 350?

Solution: New_Value = 350, Original_Value = 250

Percentage Change = [ (New_Value - Original_Value) / |Original_value| ] * 100

Substitute the given values in the formula.

Percentage Change = (350 - 250) / |250| * 100

Percentage Change = (100/250) * 100 = (2/5) * 100 = 0.4 * 100

Percentage Change = 40%

∴ Percentage Change from 250 to 350 is 40%

Percent Error Formula

percent error = [ (AV - OV) / | AV | ] * 100%

where: AV is the actual value, and OV is the observed value.

Ex: Percent Error from 200 to 250?

Solution: actual value = 200, observed value = 250

Percent Error = [ (AV - OV) / | AV | ] * 100%

Substitute the given values in the formula.

Percent Error = (250 - 200) / |200| * 100

Percent Error = (50/200) * 100 = (1/4) * 100 = 0.25 * 100

Percent Error = 25%

∴ Percent Error from 200 to 250 is 25%

Percentage Increase Formula

Percentage Increase = [ (FV - SV) / | SV | ] * 100%

where: FV is the final value, and SV is the starting value.

Ex: Percent Increase from 90 to 108?

Solution: Starting Value = 90, Final Value = 108

Percentage Increase = [ (FV - SV) / | SV | ] * 100%

Substitute the given values in the formula.

Percentage Increase = (108 - 90) / |90| * 100

Percentage Increase = (18/90) * 100 = (1/5) * 100 = 0.2 * 100

Percentage Increase = 20%

∴ Percent Increase from 90 to 108 is 20%

Percentage Decrease Formula

Percentage Decrease = [ (SV - FV) / | SV | ] * 100%

where: FV is the final value, and SV is the starting value.

Ex: Percent Decrease from 80 to 68?

Solution: Starting Value = 80, Final Value = 68

Percentage Increase = [ (SV - FV) / | SV | ] * 100%

Substitute the given values in the formula.

Per. Decrease = (80 - 68) / |80| * 100

Per. Decrease = (12/80) * 100 = (3/20) * 100 = 0.15 * 100

Per. Decrease =

∴ Percent Decrease from 80 to 68 is 15%

Percentage Difference Formula

Percentage Difference = 100 * |a - b| / ((a + b) / 2)

Ex: Percent Difference from 300 to 200?

Solution: a = 300, b = 200

Percentage Difference = 100 * |a - b| / ((a + b) / 2)%

Substitute the given values in the formula.

Percentage Difference = 100 * |300 - 200| / ((300+200) / 2)%

P.D = 100 * |100| / (500/2)

P.D = (10000 / 250)%

P.D = 40%

∴ Percent Difference from 300 to 200 is 40%

Percentage of a Percentage Formula

Percentage of a Percentage = (pct1 ÷ 100) × (pct2 ÷ 100) × 100

where: pct1 is the percentage 1, and pct2 is the percentage 2.

Ex: Find 25% of 60%

Solution: pct1 = 300, pct2 = 200

p = (pct1 ÷ 100) × (pct2 ÷ 100) × 100

p = (25 ÷ 100) × (60 ÷ 100) × 100

p = .25 × .6 × 100

p = .15 × 100

p = 15%

∴ 25% of 60% is 15%

Doubling Time Formula

doubling time = log(2) / log(1 + r)

Where: r = a constant growth rate

Growth RateDoubling Time
Growth RateDoubling Time
Growth RateDoubling Time

Convert Fraction to Percentage

Simple Formula to Convert Fraction to Percent

(n / d) * 100 = P

where n is the numerator, d is the denominator, and p is the percentage.

Percentages Calculators 💯

  • Percentage Calculator
  • Percent error Calculator
  • Percentage change Calculator
  • Percentage increase Calculator
  • Percentage difference Calculator
  • Doubling time Calculator
  • Convert fraction to percentage Calculator
  • Percentage decrease Calculator
  • Percentage of a percentage Calculator

Arithmetic calculators âž—

  • Average Calculator
  • Geometric mean Calculator
  • Harmonic mean Calculator
  • Mean Calculator
  • Root mean square Calculator
  • Factor Calculator
  • Modulo Calculator
  • Prime number Calculator
  • GCF Calculator
  • LCM Calculator
  • Prime factorization Calculator
  • Absolute value Calculator
  • Addition Calculator
  • Binary subtraction Calculator
  • GCF and LCM Calculator
  • Long division Calculator
  • Pascal's triangle Calculator
  • Reciprocal Calculator
  • Standard form Calculator
  • Two's complement Calculator
  • Weighted average Calculator
  • e power x Calculator

Coordinate Geometry Calculators 📈

  • Rise over run calculator Calculator
  • Slope Calculator
  • Perpendicular line Calculator
  • Distance Calculator
  • Angle between two vectors Calculator
  • Dot product Calculator
  • Cross product Calculator
  • Average rate of change Calculator
  • Cylindrical coordinates Calculator
  • Equation of a circle Calculator
  • Gradient Calculator
  • Least squares regression line Calculator
  • Linear interpolation Calculator
  • Midpoint Calculator
  • Parabola Calculator
  • Parallel line Calculator
  • Polar coordinates Calculator
  • Slope intercept form Calculator
  • Spherical coordinates Calculator
  • Three-dimensional distance Calculator

Linear algebra calculators 🔢

  • (Reduced) row echelon form Calculator
  • Characteristic polynomial Calculator
  • Cramer's rule Calculator
  • Diagonalize matrix Calculator
  • Eigenvalue and eigenvector Calculator
  • Gram-Schmidt Calculator
  • Inverse matrix Calculator
  • Linear independence Calculator
  • Matrix addition and subtraction Calculator
  • Matrix determinant Calculator
  • Matrix multiplication Calculator
  • Matrix rank Calculator
  • Matrix transpose Calculator
  • Systems of equations Calculator
  • Unit vector Calculator
  • Vector magnitude Calculator
  • Vector projection Calculator

Other Math calculators

  • Significant figures Calculator
  • Scientific notation Calculator
  • Golden ratio Calculator

Math Calculator - Online Calculators to Solve Math Problems Step by Step (2024)
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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.