LEGO Star Wars Clone Wars cheats (2024)

LEGO Star Wars Clone Wars cheats

There is barely enough time to keep up with all the games that are being released now, even when it comes to AAA titles there are so many out there that wind up on our 'we'll get to it later' pile.


That being said, there are even more games from back in the day that we can't help but find ourselves drawn back to, and LEGO Star Wars 3 Clone Wars ticks that box - and there are many cheats to use while you play it.

Love Star Wars games? Listen to our podcast all about them!

So, without further ado, here are all the cheat codes to use in LEGO Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars - and yes, Jar Jar Binks is in there.

Important note: this article is about 2011's LEGO Star Wars: The Clone Wars. See our separate guide to LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga cheats if you're playing the most recent game in this series.

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How to use cheats in LEGO Star Wars Clone Wars 3: The Clone Wars

It's very easy to work out but just in case, here's how to input cheat codes in LEGO Star Wars Clone Wars.

First up, load up a solo or co-op game, and then pause the game and head to extras. Once there, you'll see the cheat code option and off you go!

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Full list of LEGO Star Wars Clone Wars cheat codes

The following are the complete list of cheat codes you can use in the game.

  • 6mz5ch - Unlocks the Stud Magnet, which will automatically pick up nearby studs.
  • 2d7jns - Causes hearts to regenerate.
  • gchp7s - Allows for faster building.
  • 3f5l56 - Gives characters the ability to Perfect Deflect.
  • c4es4r - Gives characters the ability to Dual Wield weapons.
  • x1v4n2 - Activates the Dark Side, giving all characters Red Lightsabers and letting them use Sith Force.
  • bs828k - Activates the Super Saber Cut ability.
  • j46p7a - Unlocks Invincibility Mode, making players immune to damage.
  • csd5na - Gives access to the Minikit Detector.
  • qd2c31 - Gives Character Studs.
  • neo2hi - Gives 999,999,999 studs.
  • n3r01a - Gives access to the Red Brick Detector.
  • 4gt3vq - Activates Glow-in-the-Dark Mode.
  • b1d3w3 - Unlock Super Speeders.
  • yzphuv - Gives 2X Score Modifier.
  • 43t5e5 - Gives 4X Score Modifier.
  • sebhgr - Gives 6X Score Modifier.
  • byfsaq - Gives 8X Score Modifier.
  • n1ckr1 - Gives 10X Score Modifier.
  • c9prkp - Unlocks the AAT.
  • rctflv - Unlocks Anakin's Jedi Starfighter.
  • zy3ae2 - Unlocks the Arc-170 Starfighter with Rapid Fire.
  • aa29h - Unlocks the AT-AP Walker.
  • z7h46t - Unlocks AT-RT.
  • vbezez - Unlocks the AT-TE.
  • ymwv33 - Unlocks the BARC Speeder.
  • 9muts2 - Unlocks the Destroyer Droid.
  • nacmgg - Unlocks the Dwarf Spider Droid.
  • pj23ur - Unlocks the Geonosian Solar Sailor.
  • edenec - Unlocks the Geonosian Starfighter.
  • 77qejl - Unlocks the H-Type Nubian Yacht.
  • t7xf9z - Unlocks the Hailfire Droid.
  • npgg24 - Unlocks the Hyena Bomber.
  • hrx2uk - Unlocks the Jedi Shuttle.
  • h68d3k - Unlocks Kit Fisto's Jedi Starfighter.
  • hj5hhd - Unlocks the MagnaGuard Starfighter.
  • bet7cu - Unlocks the Medical Frigate with torpedos.
  • s6grnz - Unlocks the MSE-6.
  • 6lt4ql - Unlocks the Neimoidian Shuttle.
  • 25fmvt - Unlocks Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter.
  • 7nec36 - Unlocks the OG-9 Homing Spider Droid.
  • z567hr - Unlocks the Pirate Saucer with missiles.
  • 3nqgyl - Unlocks the Pirate Speeder Tank.
  • l4lcdv - Unlocks Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter.
  • u2t4sp - Unlocks the Probe Droid.
  • bqcxwr - Unlocks the Republic Attack Shuttle.
  • j3mfjz - Unlocks the Republic Cruiser with missiles and torpedoes.
  • j2jndd - Unlocks the Republic Dropship with rapid fire.
  • c7m3du - Unlocks the Republic Gunship.
  • p8z9m5 - Unlocks the RX-200 Tank.
  • kddqvd - Unlocks the Slave I.
  • 7rl23g - Unlocks the Soulless One with rapid fire.
  • 59uu88 - Unlocks the STAP.
  • 3re9xv - Unlocks the Starhawk Speeder Bike.
  • xpy46k - Unlocks the Stealth Ship with missiles and torpedoes.
  • rylvnw - Unlocks the Super Tank.
  • mhg3xb - Unlocks The Halo with rapid fire.
  • t4k5l4 - Unlocks The Twilight.
  • jsbljs - Unlocks the Trident Assault Craft with missiles and torpedoes.
  • aka9bb - Unlocks the v-19 Torrent Starfighter.
  • 7w7k7s - Unlocks the Vulture Droid.
  • lq2svt - Unlocks the Xanadu Blood with rapid fire.
  • xtl6y3 - Unlocks the Y-Wing Starfighter.

And if you are looking for cheats that will unlock certain characters then look no further than right here!

  • 2vg95b - Unlocks Aayla Secura.
  • g2bfen - Unlocks Adi Gallia.
  • 272y9q - Unlocks Admiral Ackbar (Classic).
  • ng6pyx - Unlocks Admiral Yularen.
  • 2vj9th - Unlocks Ashoka.
  • f9vuyj - Unlocks Anakin Skywalker.
  • 9aa4dw - Unlocks Anakin Skywalker (Geonosian Arena).
  • yg9dd7 - Unlocks Asajj Ventress.
  • m2v1jv - Unlocks Aurra Sing.
  • gehx6c - Unlocks Bail Organa.
  • btvtz5 - Unlocks Barriss Offee.
  • 5y7ma4 - Unlocks Battle Droid.
  • lsu4lj - Unlocks Battle Droid Commander.
  • 9u4tf3 - Unlocks Bib Fortuna.
  • ty2byj - Unlocks Bobba Fett (Classic).
  • q5q39p - Unlocks Boil.
  • 2klw5r - Unlocks Bossk.
  • 574226 - Unlocks C-3PO.
  • nhme85 - Unlocks Cad Bane.
  • d8sngj - Unlocks Captain Antilles (Classic).
  • mw3qyh - Unlocks Captain Rex.
  • gd6fx3 - Unlocks Captain Typho.
  • 5c62yq - Unlocks Chancellor Palpatine.
  • 66uu3t - Unlocks Chewbacca (Classic).
  • hq7bvd - Unlocks Clone Pilot.
  • 7gfncq - Unlocks Clone Shadow Trooper (Classic).
  • np5gtt - Unlocks Clone Trooper.
  • 7cb6ns - Unlocks Commander Bly.
  • smn259 - Unlocks Commander Cody.
  • u25hfc - Unlocks Commander Fil.
  • jrpr2a - Unlocks Commander Ponds.
  • qegu64 - Unlocks Commando Droid.
  • 5xzqsv - Unlocks Commando Stone.
  • ewr7wm - Unlocks Count Dooku.
  • qh68ak - Unlocks Darth Maul (Classic).
  • qxy5xn - Unlocks Darth Sidius (Classic).
  • fm4jb7 - Unlocks Darth Vader (Classic).
  • nmjfbl - Unlocks Darth Vader Battle Damaged (Classic).
  • mb9emw - Unlocks Dr. Nuvo Vindi.
  • jb9e5s - Unlocks Echo.
  • wufdya - Unlocks Eeth Koth.
  • wsfzzq - Unlocks Gammorean Guard.
  • 7fnu4t - Unlocks General Grievous.
  • gafzud - Unlocks Geonosian Guard.
  • 2c8nhp - Unlocks Gold Super Battle Droid.
  • c686pk - Unlocks Gonk Droid.
  • nh2405 - Unlocks Grand Moff Tarkin.
  • fuw4c2 - Unlocks Greedo (Classic).
  • kfdbxf - Unlocks Han Solo (Classic).
  • g65kjj - Unlocks Heavy Super Battle Droid.
  • wxutwy - Unlocks Heavy Weapons Clone Trooper.
  • 4axty4 - Unlocks HELIOS 3D.
  • eub8ug - Unlocks Hevy.
  • 5a7xyx - Unlocks Hondo Hohnaka.
  • eabpcp - Unlocks IG-86.
  • 5w6fgd - Unlocks Imperial Guard (Classic).
  • 5kzq4d - Unlocks Jango Fett.
  • mespts - Unlocks Jar Jar Binks.
  • ayrec9 - Unlocks Jek.
  • hgbctq - Unlocks Ki-Adi-Mundi.
  • pywj6n - Unlocks Kit Fisto.
  • eraewe - Unlocks Lando Calrissian (Classic).
  • sm3y9b - Unlocks LEP Servent Droid.
  • 3neuxc - Unlocks Lieutenant Thire.
  • tkcyuz - Unlocks Lork Durd.
  • pg37hf - Unlocks Luke Skywalker (Classic).
  • mkuyq8 - Unlocks Luminara Uunduli.
  • r35y7n - Unlocks Lurman Villager.
  • v4wmjn - Unlocks Luxury Droid.
  • 8nvrwj - Unlocks Mace Windu.
  • 2kef2d - Unlocks MagnaGuard.
  • zkxg43 - Unlocks Nahdar Vebb.
  • bjb94j - Unlocks Neimoidian.
  • qfyxmc - Unlocks Nute Gunray.
  • j9hnf9 - Unlocks Obi-Wan Kenobi.
  • ffbu5m - Unlocks Obi-Wan Kenobi (Classic).
  • 5u9fjk - Unlocks Obi-Wan Kenobi (Geonosian Arena).
  • db7zqn - Unlocks Onaconda Farr.
  • sz824q - Unlocks Padme Amidala (Geonosian Arena).
  • 8x87u6 - Unlocks Padme Amidala.
  • bh2ehu - Unlocks Pirate Ruffian.
  • bud4vu - Unlocks Plo Koon.
  • 4592wm - Unlocks Poggle The Lesser.
  • 2d3d3l - Unlocks Princess Leia (Classic).
  • zqrn85 - Unlocks Queen Neeyutnee.
  • lkhd3b - Unlocks Qui-Gon Jinn (Classic).
  • rz5huv - Unlocks R2-D2.
  • z87pau - Unlocks R3-S6.
  • 5mxsya - Unlocks R4-P17.
  • 7pmc3c - Unlocks R6-H5.
  • pzmqnk - Unlocks Rebel Commando (Classic).
  • 2klw5r - Unlocks Robonino.
  • 4ptp53 - Unlocks Rys.
  • mell07 - Unlocks Savage Opress.
  • epbplk - Unlocks Senate Commando.
  • s4y7vw - Unlocks Senate Commando (Republic).
  • ea4e9s - Unlocks Senator Kharrus.
  • 9q7yct - Unlocks Senator Philo.
  • g4n7c2 - Unlocks Shahan Alama.
  • 5c62yq - Unlocks Sionver Boll.
  • hpe7pz - Unlocks Stormtrooper (Classic).
  • mjkdv5 - Unlocks Super Battle Droid.
  • fyvshd - Unlocks Tee Watt Kaa.
  • hebhw5 - Unlocks Turk Flaso.
  • gc2xsa - Unlocks Tuscan Raider (Classic).
  • pe7fgd - Unlocks TX-20.
  • qgenfd - Unlocks Undead Geonosian.
  • egqq4v - Unlocks Vader's Apprentice (Classic).
  • vruvsz - Unlocks Wag Too.
  • zp8xvh - Unlocks Wat Tambor.
  • bnje79 - Unlocks Waxer.
  • drglws - Unlocks. Wedge Antilles (Classic).
  • 4vvyqv - Unlocks Whorm Loathsom.
  • mp9dre - Unlocks Workout Clone Trooper.
  • csqtmb - Unlocks Yoda.

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LEGO Star Wars Clone Wars cheats (2024)


What gives 999999999 studs? ›

neo2hi - Gives 999,999,999 studs. n3r01a - Gives access to the Red Brick Detector. 4gt3vq - Activates Glow-in-the-Dark Mode. b1d3w3 - Unlock Super Speeders.

How long does it take to 100% Lego Star Wars The Clone Wars? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars is about 9 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 30 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

What is the cheat code for Obi Wan's ghost? ›

At the cantina, enter BEN917 to unlock Obi Wan's ghost (you'll still need to pay to add him to your crew).

What do you get when you 100% Lego Star Wars? ›

Once you reach 100%, return to this lever. You'll be greeted by Anakin, Obi-Wan, Rey, Kylo, Luke, Leia, and Han on either side of the lever, which you can now pull. Upon pulling it, fireworks will continuously shoot into the air and a never-ending stream of studs will flood the room.

How much faster do clones age Star Wars? ›

Secondly, we know that Omega is either 6 or 7 years old by the time of the Bad Batch Series, which takes place in 19-BBY, and it was mentioned by Tech that she is older than the squad. Lastly, we know that Clones age twice as fast as humans, which means that in ten years, regular Clones would be in their 20's.

What is the code 69 in Star Wars? ›

Order 69(AKA "clean up") was the idea to kill the entire clone army in one sitting, leaving the Jedi defenseless and exposed by the sudden departure. Palpatine knows the Jedi's weakness is empathy and most will try to help the clones and now it should be easy to either drive the Jedi into hiding or have them killed.

What is the code for LEGO Darth Vader? ›

C-3P0 (Holiday Special) : C3PHOHO. Darth Vader (Holiday Special) : WROSHYR.

How to get unlimited studs in Skywalker Saga? ›

To get infinite studs, you just need to farm for about 1,000,000 studs so you can purchase the stud multiplier in the EXTRAS cheat menu.

What is the cheat code for Savage Opress? ›

One character in the game, Savage Opress, can only be unlocked by entering a code. Pause the game, then select "Extras" followed by "Enter Secret Code." The code you want to enter is MELL07, which will unlock the extra character.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.