DOOM III/Quake 4/Prey(2006)/DOOM3 BFG/Other idTech game runtime environment for
New in version 1.1.0harmattan59natasha
* Support `Omni-Bot` in Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.
* Fix rendering on Mali GPU in DOOM 3-BFG.
* Fix rendering on Mali GPU in The Dark Mod.
* Fix stencil shadow with `cg_shadows` = 2 in Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.
* Support choose a mod directory in GZDOOM.
* Add some new features options on launcher in Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, RealRTCW, DOOM3-BFG, Quake 2, GZDOOM, The Dark Mod.
* Add use high precision float on GLSL shaders(cvar `harm_r_useHighPrecision`) in DOOM 3/Quake 4/Prey.
* Add
idTech4A++ is idTech game runtime environment for Android.
Support DOOM III/Quake 4/Prey(2006)/DOOM3 BFG/Quake 1/Quake 2/Quake 3/Return to Castle Wolfenstein/The Dark Mod/GZDOOM/Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory/RealRTCW
1. Putting your PC game data(external folder) to launcher setting `Game working directory`(default `/sdcard/diii4a`).
2. Click left icon or right game name text of launcher status bar for choosing game, and select game mod in tab `GENERAL`'s `Game`.
3. Finally `START GAME`.
multi-threading renderer
png/dds texture image, jpeg/png/bmp format of screenshot
obj/dae format static model
pure soft shadow with shadow-mapping
OpenAL(soft) and EFX Reverb
Phong/Blinn-phong/PBR/no-lighting rendering
translucent/soft stencil shadow
Standalone game directory:
Because more support games, it cause all game mods data directory put on a shared folder, them maybe have same name, and diffcult to view/manage. So application default enable `Standalone game directory` since version 1.1.0harmattan57, and you can also disable it on launcher settings.
If enable `Standalone game directory`, game data directory should put on `Standalone game directory` itself(e.g.).
Games of `Standalone game directory` and folder name:
DOOM III: doom3/
Quake 4: quake4/
Prey(2006): prey/
Quake I: quake1/
Quake II: quake2/
Quake III: quake3/
Return to Castle Wolfenstein: rtcw/
DOOM 3 BFG: doom3bfg/
Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory: etw/
RealRTCW: realrtcw/
Games of always force `Standalone game directory`:
The Dark Mod: darkmod/
GZDOOM: gzdoom/
Folder name of games/mods:
DOOM III: base/
DOOM3 - Resurrection of Evil: d3xp/
DOOM3 - The lost mission: d3le/
Classic DOOM3: cdoom/
Rivensin: rivensin/
Hardcorps: hardcorps/
Stupid Angry Bot(a7x): sabot/
Overthinked DooM^3: overthinked/
Fragging Free: fraggingfree/
HeXen - Edge of Chaos: hexeneoc/
LibreCoop: librecoop/
LibreCoop - D3XP: librecoopxp/
Perfected Doom 3: perfected/
Perfected Doom 3 - RoE: perfected_roe/
Quake IV: q4base/
Hardqore: hardqore
Prey(2006): preybase/
Quake I: darkplaces/id1/
Quake II: baseq2/
Quake III Arena: baseq3/
Quake III Team Arena: missionpack/
Return to Castle Wolfenstein: main/
The Dark Mod: darkmod/
DOOM 3 BFG: base/
GZDOOM: gzdoom/
Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory: etmain/
RealRTCW: Main/
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- This app contains non-free assets
- Author:Karin
- License:GNU General Public License v3.0 only
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Version 1.1.0harmattan59natasha (11059)suggestedAdded on Nov 26, 2024
This version requires Android 4.4 or newer.
It is built by F-Droid and guaranteed to correspond to this source tarball.
have full network access
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
query all packages
Allows an app to see all installed packages.
read the contents of your shared storage
Allows the app to read the contents of your shared storage.
ask to ignore battery optimizations
Allows an app to ask for permission to ignore battery optimizations for that app.
prevent phone from sleeping
Allows the app to prevent the phone from going to sleep.
modify or delete the contents of your shared storage
Allows the app to write the contents of your shared storage.
(10)install shortcuts
Allows an application to add Homescreen shortcuts without user intervention.
uninstall shortcuts
Allows the application to remove Homescreen shortcuts without user intervention.
Download APK179 MiBPGP Signature|Build Log
Version 1.1.0harmattan58natasha (11058) - Added on Nov 02, 2024
This version requires Android 4.4 or newer.
It is built by F-Droid and guaranteed to correspond to this source tarball.
have full network access
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
query all packages
Allows an app to see all installed packages.
read the contents of your shared storage
Allows the app to read the contents of your shared storage.
ask to ignore battery optimizations
Allows an app to ask for permission to ignore battery optimizations for that app.
prevent phone from sleeping
Allows the app to prevent the phone from going to sleep.
modify or delete the contents of your shared storage
Allows the app to write the contents of your shared storage.
(10)install shortcuts
Allows an application to add Homescreen shortcuts without user intervention.
uninstall shortcuts
Allows the application to remove Homescreen shortcuts without user intervention.
Download APK173 MiBPGP Signature|Build Log
Version 1.1.0harmattan57natasha (11057) - Added on Oct 13, 2024
This version requires Android 4.4 or newer.
It is built by F-Droid and guaranteed to correspond to this source tarball.
have full network access
Allows the app to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
query all packages
Allows an app to see all installed packages.
read the contents of your shared storage
Allows the app to read the contents of your shared storage.
ask to ignore battery optimizations
Allows an app to ask for permission to ignore battery optimizations for that app.
prevent phone from sleeping
Allows the app to prevent the phone from going to sleep.
modify or delete the contents of your shared storage
Allows the app to write the contents of your shared storage.
Download APK167 MiBPGP Signature|Build Log