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28 January 2015 Acta Biomaterialia xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 1

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Dual-function antibacterial surfaces for biomedical applications



Qian Yu, Zhaoqiang Wu ⇑, Hong Chen


College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Soochow University, 199# Ren’ai Road, Suzhou 215123, China

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Article history: Received 20 September 2014 Received in revised form 24 December 2014 Accepted 16 January 2015 Available online xxxx

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Keywords: Antibacterial Bactericidal Bacteria-resistant Bacteria-release Functional surface

a b s t r a c t Bacterial attachment and the subsequent formation of biofilm on surfaces of synthetic materials pose a serious problem in both human healthcare and industrial applications. In recent decades, considerable attention has been paid to developing antibacterial surfaces to reduce the extent of initial bacterial attachment and thereby to prevent subsequent biofilm formation. Briefly, there are three main types of antibacterial surfaces: bactericidal surfaces, bacteria-resistant surfaces, and bacteria-release surfaces. The strategy adopted to develop each type of surface has inherent advantages and disadvantages; many efforts have been focused on the development of novel antibacterial surfaces with dual functionality. In this review, we highlight the recent progress made in the development of dual-function antibacterial surfaces for biomedical applications. These surfaces are based on the combination of two strategies into one system, which can kill attached bacteria as well as resisting or releasing bacteria. Perspectives on future research directions for the design of dual-function antibacterial surfaces are also provided. Ó 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of Acta Materialia Inc.

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1. Introduction


Bacterial attachment and the subsequent proliferation and colonization of bacteria on the surfaces of synthetic materials usually result in the formation of a biofilm [1–4]. This bacterial biofilm poses a major problem in both human healthcare and industrial applications, including but not limited to public health settings, surgical equipment, biosensors, textiles, water purification systems, and packaging [5,6]. For medical implants and devices, bacterial attachment adversely affects the functionality and limits the lifetime of devices, and bacterial infections represent a common and substantial complication in the clinic, sometimes even leading to death [7,8]. For food processing and packaging materials, the accumulation of bacteria has a serious impact on processing efficiency, productivity, and food quality [9]. For marine equipment, microbial contamination on surfaces provides an easily accessible platform for other marine species to attach and proliferate, leading to an increase in the cost of operation and maintenance [10]. To solve these problems, considerable efforts have been directed toward developing antibacterial surfaces that can greatly reduce the extent of initial bacterial attachment and thereby prevent subsequent biofilm formation [11–16]. In recent decades, various antibacterial surfaces have been designed, which can be divided into three categories based on

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⇑ Corresponding author. E-mail address: [emailprotected] (Z. Wu).

the their operating mechanisms: (i) bactericidal surfaces for killing attached bacteria; (ii) bacteria-resistant surfaces for preventing the initial attachment of bacteria; and (iii) bacteria-release surfaces for reducing the adhesion between bacteria and material surfaces and facilitating the release of attached bacteria by an external force. Although remarkable progress has been made in the development of these antibacterial surfaces, each methodology has inherent advantages and disadvantages. For example, bactericidal surfaces can prevent the formation of viable biofilms, but these surfaces will still be contaminated by remaining dead bacteria, which may trigger immune responses or inflammation [17]. In addition, these surfaces suffer the problems of ecotoxicity of biocides toward nontargeted species and poor compatibility with mammalian cells. On the other hand, bacteria-resistant surfaces or bacteria-release surfaces can prevent or reduce the initial attachment of bacteria; however, to date, no such surfaces can achieve 100% prevention of bacterial attachment, inevitably becoming colonized by bacteria that are not killed once they attach themselves to the surfaces. Therefore, an ideal antibacterial surface that can perform the following functions is required: (i) first, prevent initial bacterial attachment; (ii) subsequently, kill all bacteria that manage to overcome this anti-adhesion barrier; and (iii) finally, remove dead bacteria. To achieve this goal, several groups have developed surfaces by combining two strategies into one system. Over the past decade, excellent reviews on the fabrication and application of antibacterial surfaces with a single functionality have been published [18–22]; however, to the best of our knowledge, few reviews on dual-function antibacterial surfaces have been published [23].

http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actbio.2015.01.018 1742-7061/Ó 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd. on behalf of Acta Materialia Inc.

Q1 Please cite this article in press as: Yu Q et al. Dual-function antibacterial surfaces for biomedical applications. Acta Biomater (2015), http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1016/j.actbio.2015.01.018

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In this review, we first briefly introduce three main strategies for designing antibacterial surfaces with a single functionality: bactericidal surfaces, bacteria-resistant surfaces and bacteriarelease surfaces. We then highlight recent developments in the creation of dual-function antibacterial surfaces based on the combination of two strategies (e.g., kill/resist or kill/release) into one system for biomedical applications. Finally, we conclude by presenting future research directions for developing dual-function antibacterial surfaces.


2. Basic strategies for designing antibacterial surfaces


2.1. Bactericidal surfaces


Bactericidal surfaces refer to surfaces that are capable of killing bacteria. According to the killing mechanism, these surfaces can be divided into two main categories: contact-based bactericidal surfaces and release-based bactericidal surfaces.

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2.1.1. Contact-based bactericidal surfaces Contact-based bactericidal surfaces are surfaces that are coated with antibacterial agents by either covalent conjugation or physical adsorption to kill adhering bacteria. The antibacterial agents used in this respect range from synthetic chemicals such as quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs), polycations and various antibiotics to natural biomolecules such as chitosan, antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) and antimicrobial enzymes (AMEs). Herein, we introduce several typical examples. QACs with both long hydrophobic alkyl chains and positively charged quaternary ammonium groups have been demonstrated to show strong contact-killing activity toward both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The ion exchange of QAC molecules with Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions in the cytoplasmic membrane destabilizes the intracellular matrix of a bacterium; additionally, the hydrophobic tail interdigitates into the hydrophobic bacterial membrane over the entire surface area of a bacterium, causing general perturbations in the cytoplasmic membrane and leakage of intracellular fluid containing essential molecules [24,25]. One typical QAC is the quaternary ammonium silane of 3-(trimethoxysilyl)-propyldimethyloctadecyl ammonium chloride (QAS, Fig. 1a), which can be easily immobilized onto OH-containing surfaces (such as

Fig. 1. Chemical structures of (a) 3-(trimethoxysilyl)-propyldimethyloctadecyl ammonium chloride (QAS), (b) quaternized poly(4-vinyl-N-alkylpyridinium bromide) (PVP), and (c) quaternized poly (2-(dimethylamino ethyl) methacrylate) (PDMAEMA).

silicone rubber [26], cotton [27], titanium [28], silica particle [29], and cellulose [30]) by covalent bonds. In addition to QAS, polymers with quaternary ammonium groups in their side chains have also been explored as polymeric biocides. Quaternized poly(4-vinyl-N-alkylpyridinium bromide) (PVP, Fig. 1b) [31,32] and quaternized poly(2-(dimethylamino ethyl) methacrylate) (PDMAEMA, Fig. 1c) [33–35] are two typical biocidal polymers. For more information on antibacterial polymers, readers may refer to other reviews [20,36,37]. AMPs and AMEs represent natural alternatives to traditional synthetic biocidal compounds for developing bactericidal coatings. AMPs form an integral part of the innate immune system in most organisms. The advantages of AMPs include limited immunogenicity, rapid bactericidal behavior, and less susceptibility to proteolysis [38]. AMEs refer to a group of enzymes with abilities to directly attack the microorganism, interfere with biofilm formation, and/or catalyze reactions which result in the production of antimicrobial compounds [39]. According to the antibacterial mechanism, they can be divided into three categories: proteolytic enzymes, polysaccharide-degrading enzymes, and oxidative enzymes [40]. AMPs and AMEs can be immobilized on supporting surfaces either physically (e.g., via adsorption or layer-by-layer assembly) or chemically (e.g., via covalent bonding) to fabricate bactericidal coatings with a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity, high efficacy even at low concentrations, and lack of susceptibility to bacterial resistance [39–41].


2.1.2. Release-based bactericidal surfaces Release-based bactericidal surfaces are surfaces within which biocides are preloaded or embedded before being released slowly into the environment to kill bacteria. The most widely used biocides are silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) because of their strong and broad-spectrum antibacterial characteristics [8,15,42–44]. The main mechanism through which AgNPs exert their biocidal properties is through the release of Ag+ ions, which damage the bacterial membrane as well as disrupt the function of bacterial enzymes and/or nucleic acid groups in cellular protein and DNA [45]. There are also several types of release-based bactericidal surfaces that use antibiotics [46–48] or nitrogen oxide [49–51] as releasing biocides to avoid bacterial infection.


2.1.3. Dual-contact- and release-based bactericidal surfaces Several bactericidal surfaces with two different biocides incorporated into one system operate through both contact-based and release-based mechanisms. These surfaces are of particular interest because they can minimize the selection and proliferation of resistant strains, providing long-term antibacterial efficiency. For example, a thin film coating composed of two distinct, layered functional regions (i.e., a polyelectrolyte multilayer reservoir for the loading and release of bactericidal AgNPs and a SiO2 surface cap with immobilized QAS, as shown in Fig. 2) was developed [52]. Dual-function coatings of this type show high initial


Fig. 2. Schematic illustration of a two-level dual-function bactericidal coating with both QAS and AgNPs. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [52], Copyright 2006, American Chemical Society.

Q1 Please cite this article in press as: Yu Q et al. Dual-function antibacterial surfaces for biomedical applications. Acta Biomater (2015), http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1016/j.actbio.2015.01.018

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bacteria-killing efficiency due to the release of Ag+ ions and retain significant antibacterial activity after the depletion of embedded AgNPs because of the immobilized QAS. In another report, dual-action antibacterial composites consisting of a cationic polymer matrix and embedded silver bromide (AgBr) nanoparticles were fabricated simply by the on-site precipitation of AgBr nanoparticles [53]. The water-insoluble composites formed good coatings on glass and exhibited long-lasting antibacterial properties toward both airborne and waterborne bacteria. Similarly, a composite antibacterial coating was generated by lysozyme-mediated AgNP synthesis and electrophoretic deposition, demonstrating the antibacterial activity of Ag+ ions and the muramidase activity of lysozyme [54].


2.1.4. Bactericidal surfaces with switchable biocidal activity Recently, several surfaces with biocidal activity that can switch in response to environmental stimuli (usually changes in temperature) have been developed. For example, a thermo-responsive copolymer based on 2-(2-methoxyethoxy)ethyl methacrylate (MEO2MA), hydroxyl-terminated oligo(ethylene glycol) methacrylate (OEGMA) and 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) was grown on silicon surfaces, followed by covalent conjugation of AMP magainin-I on the polymer [55]. When the temperature is below the polymer’s collapse transition temperature (Tcoll), the copolymer chains are swollen and adopt an extended conformation, promoting the accessibility of AMPs to approaching bacteria and thereby killing the bacteria. On other hand, at temperatures above Tcoll, the progressive collapse of the polymer brushes provides a more hydrophobic environment for burying the AMPs, resulting in the suppression of bactericidal activity as illustrated in Fig. 3. In another report, a copolymer composed of two functional monomers, thermo-responsive N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAAm) and biocidal 2-aminoethyl methacrylate, was synthesized. By crosslinking the copolymers with poly(ethyleneglycol) diglycidyl ether (PEGDE) on cotton, a non-leaching surface with a thermo-switchable, Gram-selective biocidal effect was obtained due to the responsive change in conformation and hydrophilicity [56]. Thermo-responsive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-allylamine) (PNIPAAm-co-ALA) nanogels were synthesized and grafted onto non-woven polypropylene, followed by incorporation of silver nitrate. The composite coatings exhibited temperature-dependent biocidal activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. At 28 °C, both types of bacteria grew well and proliferated on the coating surface, but at 37 °C, there was a reduction in bacterial growth due to the collapse of nanogels, releasing the AgNPs. This coating may find potential applications in wound dressing systems considering that an infected wound or infected skin has a significantly elevated temperature compared with normal tissues.


2.2. Bacteria-resistant surfaces


Bacteria-resistant surfaces are capable of reducing the extent of initial bacterial attachment and thereby preventing the earliest

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stages of biofilm formation. Because it is well accepted that the initial attachment of bacteria is facilitated by a layer of adsorbed protein, it is natural to assume that nonfouling surfaces that prevent non-specific interactions with the biological environment, in particular the adsorption of proteins, also reduce the ability of planktonic bacteria to adhere. These surfaces are usually modified with hydrophilic polymers or oligomers, which can form a physical barrier known as a hydration layer in aqueous environments. Bacteriaresistant surfaces are divided into two main categories according to the formation mechanism of the hydration layer: ethylene glycol (EG)-based surfaces and zwitterion-based surfaces.


2.2.1. EG-based surfaces The most commonly used nonfouling hydrophilic materials are polymers or oligomers based on the ethylene glycol (EG) repeat unit, such as poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) [57] and oligo(ethylene glycol) (OEG) [58]. It is reported that self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of OEG-terminated alkanethiolates resist 99.7% of attachment of two types of bacteria with different phylogenies and natural environments (D. marina and Staphylococcus epidermidis) [59], Q4 and as the number of EG moieties increases, the negative interfacial tension between the OEG SAMs and water increases, leading to enhanced bacterial resistance [60]. Many researchers have fabricated a series of substrates coated or covalently grafted with EG-containing linear polymers [61,62], comb-like polymers with EG-containing side chains such as PHEMA (Fig. 4a) and POEGMA (Fig. 4b) [63–66], hyperbranched polymers [67,68], or EG-based hydrogels [69–72], aiming at resisting bacterial attachment for various applications ranging from those in the marine industry to biomedical devices.


2.2.2. Zwitterion-based surfaces An alternative strategy for developing bacteria-resistant surfaces is based on biomimetic nonfouling zwitterionic polymers, which have an equimolar number of hom*ogenously distributed anionic and cationic groups on their polymer chains. In contrast to EG-based surfaces, in which the hydration layer is maintained by weak hydrogen bonds, the hydration layer in zwitterionic materials is more tightly bound through electrostatic interactions, making these materials more effective in resisting the adhesion of fouling agents [22]. Jiang and co-workers developed a series of surfaces modified with zwitterionic polymers such as poly(sulfobetaine methacrylate) (PSBMA, Fig. 5a) [73,74] and poly(carboxybetaine methacrylate) (PCBMA, Fig. 5b) [75], which showed effective resistance toward the short-term adhesion of marine bacteria or biomedical bacteria and prevented the formation of biofilm [23,76]. Similarly, materials with mixed-charge layers uniformly distributed at the molecular level are equivalent to zwitterionic materials in their ability to show high resistance toward bacterial adhesion [77–79]. One typical example is a copolymer polymerized with the two oppositely charged monomers [2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl] trimethylammonium chloride (TM) and 3-sulfopropyl methacrylate potassium salt (SA) as shown in Fig. 5c.


Fig. 3. Schematic illustration of the grafted P(MEO2MA50-HOEGMA20-HEMA30) copolymer brushes conjugated with magainin-I peptide below and above the Tcoll.

Q1 Please cite this article in press as: Yu Q et al. Dual-function antibacterial surfaces for biomedical applications. Acta Biomater (2015), http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1016/j.actbio.2015.01.018

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Fig. 4. Chemical structures of two EG-based comb-like nonfouling polymers: (a) PHEMA and (b) POEGMA.

Fig. 5. Chemical structures of zwitterion-based nonfouling polymers: (a) PSBMA, (b) PCBMA, and (c) copolymer of TM/SA (P(TM/SA)).


Polypropylene membranes grafted with this copolymer with TM:SA in a 1:1 ratio showed overall balanced charges and good resistance toward bacterial growth and biofilm formation [79]. To the best of our knowledge, no material developed to date is able to completely resist the adhesion of bacteria. In addition, although bacteria-resistant surfaces can mainly prevent the initial attachment of bacteria, they do not actively interact with or kill bacteria. Therefore, these surfaces may eventually become contaminated due to defects during preparation or handling and deterioration of the coating in physiological media.


2.3. Bacteria-release surfaces


Unlike bacteria-resistant surfaces, bacteria-release surfaces allow the initial adhesion of bacteria but are able to release them under proper conditions. This strategy is widely adopted to combat marine biofouling (e.g., the adhesion and settlement of marine

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organisms (bacteria, algae, molluscs)). Silicone- and fluorine-based polymers are two major polymeric materials exhibiting fouling-release properties. The low surface energy of these polymers reduces the extent of polar and hydrogen bonding interactions with organisms, effectively lowering the adhesion strength and causing macrofouling organisms to be ‘‘released’’ from the surfaces upon the application of shear [18]. In recent decades, amphiphilic block copolymers with both hydrophobic and hydrophilic side chains have been shown to inhibit settlement and improve the release (i.e., reduce adhesion strength) of a range of biofoulers [18,80,81]. Moreover, inspired by the hierarchical structures exhibited by natural materials, engineered surfaces with special microand/or nano-topographies also provide a way to combat biofouling [17,82–86,6,87]. Stimuli-responsive surfaces show rapid and reversible changes in their physicochemical properties in response to small changes in environmental stimuli (e.g., temperature, pH, ionic strength, and light) [88,89]. Because bacteria–surface interactions are highly dependent on the properties of surfaces (such as wettability, surface charge, and morphology), the responsive transition of surface properties from a bacteria-adhesive state to a bacteria-repellent state may lead to the release of attached bacteria to render the surface clean, making stimuli-responsive surfaces good candidates as bacterial release surfaces [78,90–92]. Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAAm) is the most commonly used and best studied thermo-responsive polymer [93]. Surfaces modified by PNIPAAm exhibit reversible surface wettability and bioadhesion properties in response to temperature changes across the lower critical solution temperature (LCST) [94–99]. Lopez and co-workers pioneered the study of interfacial interactions between PNIPAAm-modified surfaces and microorganisms, demonstrating the use of PNIPAAm as a fouling-release material [90]. When the temperature is changed across the LCST, PNIPAAm-modified surfaces can release not only newly attached bacteria but also fully developed biofilms (as illustrated in Fig. 6a) [100–108]. Surfaces modified with pH-responsive polymers can also be used for triggered bacterial release. Electrostatic interaction is the main driving force for this type of surface to attract (with the opposite charge) or repel (with the same charge) bacteria. For example, a tunable, mixed-charge copolymer surface containing positively charged quaternary amine monomers and negatively charged carboxylic acid monomers showed pH-responsive changes in surface charge [78]. Under acidic conditions, the surface is positively charged due to the protonation of the carboxylic acid group, resulting in the attraction of negatively charged bacteria. These adhered bacteria can be easily released as the bulk pH increases because of the transition of the surface charge from positive to neutral (as illustrated in Fig. 6b). This tunable surface can be used to collect a contaminant and then be externally stimulated to release the contaminant to allow the analysis of its composition. Apart from temperature- and pH-responsive surfaces, which are usually targeted for the release of bacteria that adhere for short periods, there are several methods that are designed to remove microbial biofilms from substrates. Simple elastomer surfaces capable of dynamic deformation in response to external stimuli, including changes in electrical voltage, mechanical stretching, and changes in air pressure, have been reported to effectively detach microbial biofilms and macro-fouling organisms [92] (as illustrated in Fig. 6c). For example, more than 80% of C. marina and Escherichia coli biofilms can be detached from such elastomer surfaces when the applied strain exceeds critical values ranging from 2% to 14%. The same strategy has been extended to the on-demand detachment of infectious biofilms from the previously inaccessible main drainage lumen of urinary catheters [109]. Another method for removing biofilms is based on electrochemistry [110–112]. By operating at potentials or current densities that

Q1 Please cite this article in press as: Yu Q et al. Dual-function antibacterial surfaces for biomedical applications. Acta Biomater (2015), http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1016/j.actbio.2015.01.018

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Fig. 6. Typical bacteria-release surfaces based on (a) thermo-responsive polymer, (b) pH-responsive polymer, and (c) electrical voltage-responsive polymer.

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promote hydrogen evolution from a biofouled surface, a 10-day old P. aeruginosa biofilm formed on stainless steel 316L substrates could be completely removed in a matter of seconds [112]. The removal mechanism is based predominantly on the electrochemical formation of hydrogen gas bubbles at the porous biofilm/substrate interface, which then mechanically detach the biofilm.


3. Dual-function antibacterial surfaces



There are three types of dual-functionality based on the combination of antibacterial surfaces with single functionality: resist and release, kill and resist, and kill and release. The first type of surfaces themselves do not exhibit biocidal activity and they have been widely used for combating marine biofouling; these surfaces can inhibit the settling stages of bacteria and other fouling organisms and/or reduce the adhesion strength of the organisms that have colonized the surface and release them under proper condition [25,113–115]. In contrast, the latter two types of surfaces are composed of antibacterial agents and bacteria-resistant or bacteria-release agents to realize the dual functionality via both ‘‘offensive’’ and ‘‘defensive’’ approaches, which are more suitable for biomedical applications. Therefore, in the following section, we focus on the recent developments of ‘‘kill and resist’’ and ‘‘kill and release’’ antibacterial surfaces.


3.1. Kill and resist


The first type of dual-function antibacterial surfaces is based on the combination of bactericidal and bacteria-resistant properties. These surfaces can be divided into three categories based on the method used to incorporate biocides into nonfouling materials. The biocides can be (i) tethered to nonfouling hydrophilic

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polymers, (ii) alternately deposited with an anti-adhesive layer, or (iii) stored in a nonfouling matrix and substantially released.


3.1.1. Hydrophilic polymer as a spacer or a nonfouling agent Hydrophilic polymers are widely used as spacers for the immobilization of bioactive molecules to create biofunctional surfaces because (i) they are capable of resisting non-specific protein adsorption as well as bacteria and cell adhesion, thereby reducing unwanted biological responses; (ii) they can provide a hydrophilic microenvironment to maintain the bioactivity of biomolecules, and (iii) they can enhance the accessibility of end-immobilized active molecules to targets [116–119]. In recent years, several hydrophilic polymers have been used for the attachment of antibiotic molecules to create antibacterial surfaces with both bactericidal and bacterial-resistant properties. PEG is one of the best known nonfouling polymers. Using PEG with different terminal groups as spacers, several antibiotics, including penicillin [120,121], ampicillin [122] and gentamicin [123], can be immobilized on polymeric substrates (as shown in Fig. 7a). Specifically, the immobilization of randomly mixed PEG of two different molecular weights introduces molecular roughness and increases the effective surface area in contact with bacteria, resulting in enhanced antibacterial functionality [120]. Two different antibiotics—penicillin and gentamicin—can then be attached to the PEG-grafted polypropylene surfaces using two different types of conjugation chemistry, aiming at simultaneously resisting the growth of their target bacteria strains, Gram-positive S. aureus and Gram-negative Pseudomonas putida, respectively [123]. One main drawback of antibacterial surfaces based on PEG is that the concentration of biocidal groups available is quite limited because each grafted PEG chain has only one functional group at its free end. To increase the density of binding sites for active groups, more attention has been paid to the application of comb-like


Q1 Please cite this article in press as: Yu Q et al. Dual-function antibacterial surfaces for biomedical applications. Acta Biomater (2015), http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1016/j.actbio.2015.01.018


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Fig. 7. Schematic of immobilization of biocides using hydrophilic polymers including (a) PEG and (b) comb-like polymers as spacers.

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polymers with side chains containing EG units. An effective way to endow stainless steel surfaces with both antifouling and antibacterial functionalities is illustrated in Fig. 7b. The surfaces are first grafted with PEG-derived polymers such as PHEMA [124] or POEGMA [125], followed by activation of the hydroxyl groups on the side-chain ends for the covalent binding of antibacterial biomolecules (chitosan [124] or lysozyme [125]). This non releasing approach to inducing these two important functions (antifouling and antibacteria) simultaneously are highly advantageous in combating biofilm-related infections for biomedical and biomaterial applications. In addition to PHEMA and POEGMA, other hydrophilic copolymers have been used for the conjugation of natural biocides (such as AMPs) to fabricate antibacterial coatings on implants to resist biofilm formation [126]. In addition to serving as a spacer, PEG can also be used as a nonfouling polymeric matrix to provide bacteria resistant ability. For example, a polymeric coating in which AgNPs were generated in situ and embedded in the polymeric matrix was developed. Additionally, the surface of the coating was modified with PEG chains [127]. This coating is capable of killing bacteria by the release of Ag+ ions from the matrix as well as at least inhibiting bacterial growth and repelling bacteria by the outermost PEG chains at the same time. Libera and co-workers explored the use of self-assembled PEG-based microgels to reduce the rate of biomaterial-associated infection [128]. In addition to their intrinsic bacteria-resistant properties, these microgels can also be used as reservoirs to load and locally release antimicrobial peptides, resulting in enhanced inhibition of bacterial colonization on synthetic surfaces. 3.1.2. Layer-by-layer deposition of nonfouling layer and antibacterial layer Layer-by-layer (LBL) deposition is a simple, low-cost and mild technique for fabrication of multilayers of polymers (usually polyQ5 electrolytes) highly tunable in both morphology and functionality. The deposited multilayers have been exploited as reservoirs for loading and triggered-releasing antibacterial agents [129–135]. This method also offers another approach to simultaneously reducing bacterial adhesion and killing bacteria adhered onto a surface, where antibacterial agents and anti-adhesive agents with opposite charges are physically adsorbed onto substrates alternately to form a multilayer film (Fig. 8). A typical dual-function antibacterial surface prepared by the LBL method is based on chitosan (a cationic antibacterial molecule)

and heparin (an anionic anti-adhesive molecule) [136,137]. Results concerning the initial adhesion of E. coli and those obtained from an in vitro antibacterial assay showed that the chitosan/heparin multilayer-modified surface reduced bacterial adhesion dramatically and killed the bacteria effectively. To enhance the antibacterial properties of surfaces of this type, a composite system containing a degradable poly(vinylpyrrolidone)/poly(acrylic acid) (PVP/PAA) multilayer film and a heparin/chitosan multilayer film was constructed by LBL self-assembly [138]. The dual functionality of this system is manifested by two processes (as illustrated in Fig. 9). During the first 24 h, the top PVP/PAA is continuously removed, maintaining the prevention of bacterial adhesion on the surface. After removal of the (PVP/PAA) film, the underlying heparin/chitosan multilayer film is subsequently exposed and provides contact-killing antibacterial properties as previously discussed. This system is specially designed to address the bacterial adhesion problem during the most decisive period of fouling, and may have potential applications in the field of medical devices, particularly in implants. In addition to electrostatic interaction, click chemistry based on Huisgen 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition provides an alternative method or the covalent LBL deposition of anti-adhesive and antibacterial polymers to form a multilayer film. For example, azido-functionalized poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate-based polymer chains(azido-PPEGMA) and alkynyl-functionalized 2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl trimethylammonium chloride-based polymer chains (alkynyl-PMETA) were click deposited sequentially on a polydopamine-coated stainless steel substrate, yielding a

Fig. 8. Schematic of multilayer film containing antibacterial agents and antiadhesive agents prepared by the LBL method.

Q1 Please cite this article in press as: Yu Q et al. Dual-function antibacterial surfaces for biomedical applications. Acta Biomater (2015), http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1016/j.actbio.2015.01.018

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Fig. 9. Schematic representation of construction, cross-linking, degradation, and antibacterial properties of the (PVP/PAA)10-(heparin/chitosan)10 multilayer film. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [139], Copyright 2013, American Chemical Society.

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bifunctional and robust polymer multilayer coating for combating marine biofouling [139]. The resulting surfaces showed high bactericidal efficiency against marine Pseudomonas sp. NCIMB 2021, as well as greatly reduced bacterial adhesion and barnacle cyprid settlement. The functionality of the multilayer polymer coatings were maintained after exposure to filtered natural seawater at 30 °C for 30 days, suggesting good stability and durability.

form. This polymer-drug complex hydrogel with a built-in antibacterial function is able to keep the surface free of bacteria and simultaneously inhibit bulk bacteria growth, holding great potential in applications such as wound dressing [142,143] and surface coatings for medical devices.


3.2. Kill and release


3.1.3. Nonfouling matrix with releasable antibacterial agents Most antibacterial surfaces based on the contact-killing mechanism can effectively kill bacteria attached to surfaces, but they have limited antibacterial capacity against planktonic bacteria. On the other hand, the controlled release of antibacterial agents from surfaces can be used to reduce bacterial colonization on surfaces and inhibit the proliferation of planktonic bacteria. To achieve both bulk antibacterial and surface nonfouling properties, a series of zwitterionic hydrogels with releasable biocides were developed. One facile way to produce such gels is to use an antibacterial anionic molecule (e.g., salicylate) as the counterion of a positively zwitterionic ester precursor [140]. As the hydrolysis of the ester group and/or anion exchange proceeds, the antibacterial molecules are released to inhibit the growth of bacteria in the surrounding environment after 24 h, leaving a zwitterionic nonfouling surface to further reduce bacterial adhesion. Although this method is straightforward, the release of drugs under high salt conditions is uncontrollable due to the exchange of environmental ions. This drawback can be addressed by the covalent conjugation of antibacterial molecules into a polymer matrix via hydrolysable linkers, in which the release of drugs was not sensitive to the ion strength [141]. As shown in Fig. 10, before hydrolysis, the salicylate molecule behaved as an anionic moiety to balance the cationic quaternary ammonium group on the polymer matrix to yield nonfouling properties. During hydrolysis, the released salicylate molecule was replaced by a new carboxylate group to maintain overall charge neutrality. After the salicylate was completely released, the hydrogel finally transitions into a stable zwitterionic form, preventing further bacterial adhesion. Throughout the entire process, the hydrogel surface consistently maintained the zwitterionic

The second type of dual-function antibacterial surface is based on the combination of bactericidal and bacteria-release properties into one system. Common bactericidal surfaces suffer a serious problem associated with the accumulation of dead bacteria and other debris [23], which not only degrades biocidal activity but also provides nutrients for other colonizers. It is thus desired to remove or release bacteria once they are killed from surfaces to maintain long-term biocidal activity. So far, most reports on the ‘‘kill and release’’ antibacterial surfaces are based on either zwitterionic polymers or thermo-responsive polymers, which we will introduce in the following section. In addition, there are several reports on surfaces based on QAS integrated silicone-based polymers to reduce marine biofouling [72,144–146], but those are not the main scope of this review.


3.2.1. pH-induced cationic-zwitterionic transformation (chemical change) The first ‘‘kill and release’’ dual-function antibacterial surfaces produced are capable of chemically switching from an antibacterial cationic form (to kill attached bacteria) to a nonfouling zwitterionic form (to repel dead bacteria). For example, a zwitterionic monomer derivative was designed by Jiang and co-workers to modify the surfaces by surface-initiated polymerization (Fig. 11a) [147]. The surface modified by a cationic precursor carried biocidal quaternary amine groups, which can efficiently kill bacteria that attach to the surface at an early stage. The cationic ester groups can later be readily hydrolyzed in neutral or basic aqueous environments, resulting in a transition to zwitterionic surfaces to release dead bacteria and to retain the nonfouling properties for resistance against further bacterial attachment and provide a biocompatible


Q1 Please cite this article in press as: Yu Q et al. Dual-function antibacterial surfaces for biomedical applications. Acta Biomater (2015), http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1016/j.actbio.2015.01.018

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Fig. 10. Schematic illustration of a hydrogel made up of a zwitterionic polymer with built-in antibacterial properties that is able to keep the surface free from bacteria and inhibit bacterial growth in bulk. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [142], Copyright 2012, Elsevier.

Fig. 11. (a) A zwitterionic surface that kills and releases bacteria in response to the environmental pH value. (b) A bactericidal surface based on a zwitterionic ester precursor kills bacteria at the cationic state and then undergoes hydrolysis to release dead bacterial cells to provide long-term bacterial resistance. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [23], Copyright 2014, Wiley-VCH.

568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584

environment. Although this one-time transition between cationic and zwitterionic forms is adequate for disposable devices, for many applications renewable surfaces with a repeatable ‘‘kill and release’’ functionality are necessary. To meet this requirement, the same research group developed a new polymer that is capable of reversibly switching between a cationic ring structure (CB-ring) and a zwitterionic linear structure (CB-OH) in response to environmental pH (Fig. 11b) [148]. Surfaces modified by the polymer in the CB-ring form showed strong biocidal activity toward more than 99% bacteria sprayed on the surface in one hour under dry conditions. Exposure of the surfaces to water induced the quick hydrolysis of the CB-ring form to the CB-OH form, resulting in the release of dead bacteria and the prevention of further bacterial fouling. More importantly, the CB-OH form can be easily converted back to the CB-ring form under acidic conditions to regenerate the biocidal activity for repeated use. This strategy, based on pH-induced cationic–zwitterionic transformation, is effective in

both killing and releasing bacteria; however, there are several limitations that should be addressed. Bacteria must be attached to the surface while it is dry (a wet surface is resistant to bacterial attachment), suggesting that the surface only works for airborne bacteria and may not be suitable for waterborne bacteria. In addition, the requirements of changing pH and chemical speciation to actuate functionality may be disadvantageous and cumbersome in certain biomedical applications.


3.2.2. Temperature-induced changes of conformation and hydrophobicity (physical change) As previously discussed, surfaces modified by PNIPAAm are capable of reversibly altering their properties in response to changes in temperature. Therefore, it is promising to integrate biocides with PNIPAAm to achieve multifunctional surfaces with the capacity for the controllable attachment, killing and release of bacteria. Recently, Yu and co-workers developed a new platform exhibiting switchable bioactivity based on nanopatterned PNIPAAm brushes. The temperature-induced conformational changes of the nanopatterned PNIPAAm brushes provide the capacity to spatially control the conformation of biomolecules between brushes, leading to an ON/OFF switch for surface bioactivity [107,149–151]. Two common biocides, quaternary ammonium salt (QAS) [107] and bacteriolytic enzyme lysozyme [150], are immobilized in polymer-free regions between nanopatterned PNIPAAm brushes. Above the LCST, desolvated, collapsed PNIPAAm chains facilitate the attachment of bacteria and expose biocides that kill adhered bacteria. Upon decreasing the temperature below the LCST, swollen PNIPAAm chains promote the release of dead bacteria (as illustrated in Fig. 12). The biocidal efficacy and release properties of these surfaces can be maintained for at least two attach-kill-release cycles. Although nanopatterned PNIPAAm/biocides hybrid surfaces effectively exhibit both biocidal and fouling-release functionalities, the preparation of these surfaces involves multiple steps and may not be suitable for other non-silica-based substrates, limiting their broad application. Alternatively, the same research group adopted a simple and facile deposition method called resonant infrared, matrix-assisted pulsed laser evaporation (RIR-MAPLE), in which an organic thin film is gently deposited onto substrate surfaces by the infrared laser ablation of a host emulsion matrix without the degradation of structural or functional integrity [152]. In particular, RIR-MAPLE provides a facile, one-step method for depositing multi-component films of the constituent materials exhibiting domain sizes on nanoscale, regardless of the solubility characteristics of each component. Using this method, the researchers deposited two dual-function antibacterial films by blending PNIPAAm with biocides (cationic QAS [153] and oligo (p-phenylene-ethynylene) (OPE) with UV light-induced biocidal activity [152,154]), which accumulated and killed a large number of


Q1 Please cite this article in press as: Yu Q et al. Dual-function antibacterial surfaces for biomedical applications. Acta Biomater (2015), http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1016/j.actbio.2015.01.018

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Fig. 12. (a) Schematic depicting the procedure for preparation of nanopatterned PNIPAAm/biocide surfaces. (Step 1: patterning of the SAM of initiators via interferometric lithography; step 2: surface-initiated polymerization of NIPAAm from the pre-patterned initiator SAM; step 3: adsorption of biocides into the intervals between nanopatterned PNIPAAm lines) (b) Schematic of attachment, killing and release of bacteria on nanopatterned PNIPAAm/biocide hybrid surfaces in response to temperature. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [151], Copyright 2014, The Royal Society of Chemistry.

bacteria above the LCST, and further released the biocides upon exposure to water below the LCST. The surface chemical composition, morphology and wettability as well as the killing and release properties of the films can be adjusted simply by changing the ratio of PNIPAAm to biocides.


4. Summary and perspective


Over the past few decades, a significant number of dual-function antibacterial surfaces have been developed for the prevention of initial bacterial attachment and biofilm formation (as summarized in Table 1). These surfaces combine the biocidal activity afforded by biocides and the bacteria-resistant or bacteria-release capability afforded by certain materials (usually functional polymers), yielding advanced properties compared with conventional antibacterial surfaces with a single functionality. Although considerable progress has been made in this area and the experimental results are promising, many challenges in both science and technology remain, and further efforts may be guided by the following points:


1. Optimization of the design and fabrication process. For most of the dual-function antibacterial surfaces introduced in this review, multifunctionality (kill and resist, or kill and release) is achieved by two or more functional components. However, biocidal activity and bacteria-resistance/bacteria-release properties usually compromise one another. Therefore, the composition of surfaces must be optimized to obtain the highest performance. Moreover, for real-world applications, the fabrication of surfaces should be facile, low-cost and reproducible.


Bacteria-resistant material




Kill and resistant dual functional antibacterial surfaces ePTFE PEG ePTFE PEG TiO2 PEG PP PEG Silica particles PMEO2MA based copolymer TiO2 P(DMA-APMA) Stainless steel PHEMA Stainless steel POEGMA Glass PEG PET Heparin PS Heparin Si and glass PVP/PAA Hydrogel PHEAA Hydrogel PCBMA-based Hydrogel PCBMA-based Glass PCBMA

Penicillin Ampicillin Vancomycin Penicillin, Gentamicin Magainin-I AMP Chitosan Lysozyme AgNPs Chitosan Chitosan HEP/CHI Salicylic acid Salicylic acid Salicylic acid AgNPs

S. aureus S. aureus, E. faecalis, B. thuringiensis B. subtilis S. aureus, P. putida L. ivanovi P. aeruginosa E. coli E. coli, S. aureus S. aureus E. coli E. coli S. aureus E. coli, S. epidermidis E. coli, S. epidermidis S. epidermidis E. coli

[120,121] [122] [155] [123] [156] [126] [124] [125] [127] [137] [136] [138] [157] [140] [141] [158]





QAS Lysozyme QAS OPE

E. E. E. E. E. E.

[147] [148] [107] [150] [153] [154]

Bacteria-release material

Kill and release dual functional antibacterial surfaces Au Zwitterionic ester precursor Au Zwitterionic ester precursor Glass PNIPAAm Glass PNIPAAm Glass PNIPAAm Glass PNIPAAm

coli coli coli, coli, coli, coli,

S. S. S. S.

epidermidis epidermidis epidermidis epidermidis

Q1 Please cite this article in press as: Yu Q et al. Dual-function antibacterial surfaces for biomedical applications. Acta Biomater (2015), http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1016/j.actbio.2015.01.018

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641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651

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2. Integration of surface micro- and nano-topography. Briefly, most of the above-described antibacterial strategies are based on chemical modification. From another point of view, it is suggested that micro- and nanoscale surface topographical features also play an important role in controlling bacterial attachment and biofilm

Table 1 Summary of dual-function antibacterial surfaces. Substrate


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formation. Mimicking nature to provide engineering solutions offers a model for the development of functional surfaces with special antibacterial properties. For example, bio-inspired structures that mimic shark skin and lotus leaves endow synthetic surfaces with effective bacteria-resistance properties. Furthermore, it is reported that the synergistic effects of surface topography and polymer chemistry impart to surface biological properties that are opposite those of the corresponding smooth surfaces and even other unexpected biological properties such as enhanced bioadhesion or bioresistance [159,160]. Therefore, it is interesting to explore whether the integration of surface topography, especially on the nanoscale, into existing multifunctional antibacterial surfaces yields novel properties. 3. Addition of other functionalities for various applications. The real biological environment is complex, and different fields of research require synthetic surfaces that exhibit specific properties besides antibacterial properties. For blood-contacting devices, characteristics indicative of good hemocompatibility such as platelet resistance and antithrombotic properties are a key requirement [161]. For orthopedic and dental implants, surfaces should inhibit bacterial colonization and concomitantly promote osteoblast adhesion to realize their functions [162]. For marine applications, it is required that surfaces exhibit enhanced corrosion resistance and durability as well as fouling-resistance against diverse organisms which could colonize any submerged surfaces [163]. To date, a few research groups have tried to incorporate other functional groups into antibacterial surfaces to improve other specific properties to achieve better performance in real-world applications [161–163]. It should be noted that, for in vivo biomedical applications, the toxicological effects of antibacterial surfaces should be determined first and that the biocompatibility of these surfaces must be improved.



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Q6 This work was supported by the National Natural Science FounQ7 dation of China (21174098, 21334004 and 21404076), the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (BK20140316), the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions (PAPD) and the Project of Scientific and Technologic Infrastructure of Suzhou (SZS201207).

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[12] [13] [14] [15]


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Appendix A. Figures with essential color discrimination


Certain figures in this article, particularly Figs. 2, 3, 6–12 are difficult to interpret in black and white. The full color images can be found in the on-line version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actbio. 2015.01.018.

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Q1 Please cite this article in press as: Yu Q et al. Dual-function antibacterial surfaces for biomedical applications. Acta Biomater (2015), http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1016/j.actbio.2015.01.018

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