AP Lang English Language Multiple Choice | Fiveable (2024)

Rockin’ the AP Lang MC Questions

AP English Language and Composition just might be the most valuable AP course available in that the course trains students to be ready for college reading, writing, and research. Its value reaches far beyond the world of English Language Arts, but to get the most out of the class, students should be astute readers and insightful thinkers. First on the agenda for AP Lang students are 45 multiple-choice questions that test your understanding of rhetoric and your ability to strengthen a text with sound rhetorical choices.

🎥Watch: AP Lang -Multiple Choice Timing and Test-taking Strategies

Let’s go.

AP Lang English Language Multiple Choice | Fiveable (1)

Facts to know about AP Lang MCQs

Here is what you need to know about the AP Lang exam itself:⏲️

  • The multiple-choice section of the AP English Language and Composition exam is the first part of the exam; you will complete it before you start to write the three essays.
  • You will have60 minutes to answer45 questions.
  • You need to answer all of the questions because a blank answer is a wrong answer.
  • Each question will have 5 possible answers. You will receive a point for every correct answer, and the total number of points will factor into the formula used to calculate your final score.
  • The multiple-choice score counts 45% of the overall score.
  • There are 2 kinds of multiple-choice questions you will encounter -reading and writing.
  • There are 23-25 readingquestions and 20-22 writing questions.
  • There are 5 sets of questions, which means there will be 5 passages with accompanying questions.
  • There are 2 sets of reading questions with 11-14 questions for each reading passage.
  • There are 3 sets of writing questions with 7-9 questions on 2 of those passages, and then 4-6 questions on the remaining passage.![](https://i.ibb.co/KWKSK8R/Screen-Shot-2020-03-08-at-12-39-32-AM.png" alt="Screen-Shot-2020-03-08-at-12-39-32-AM)

Image Courtesy ofCollege Board

Question Formatting on the Exam

What you can expect when you start to read your questions

Each set of reading multiple-choice questions will begin with a statement similar to this one: “Questions 1 – 8 refer to the passage below***,”*** which indicates how many questions are linked with the passage that follows.

Right after that, you will see a short description of the passage, which usually includes a general time frame in which the passage was written, published, or delivered (depending on the genre). It will also give you some minimal information about the author (usually not the author’s name, though) along with a statement of the genre (for example, "a speech delivered to…" or "in a magazine designed for...").

Just below the introductory information for a reading passage you will see the passage itself. Each passage will have its lines numbered, and the line numbers are included on the left side of the text, posted for every five lines (line 5, 10, 15, 20, etc.). The passages will be printed on the left side of the booklet pages and reprinted on the left side of each page where there are questions for that passage. This way, you won’t have to flip pages back and forth to find the excerpt in question.😲

When you move to the writing questions, you will see a passage with each sentence numbered at the beginning of each sentence. The information will likely say something like this: "The passage below is a draft." The test writers want you to consider the passage as a text that has been written by someone who now wants to improve it, and the questions that follow will ask you to provide advice on how to strengthen the passage in various ways.

When answering questions for the writing section of multiple-choice questions, there might be a passage or phrase underlined. That would be the section in question, and the answer choices offer multiple ways to restate that underlined phrase in different ways. The purpose of the question will be to determine which answer choice is the most effective modification of the underlined passage.

If none of the answer choices are more effective than the original way the phrase is written, then a student should choose the answer choice that reads, “as it is now.”

Question Style

AP Lang English Language Multiple Choice | Fiveable (2)

Image courtesy ofCollege Board

Types of Reading Questions

Here are some types of questions you may be asked in the reading section of the multiple-choice part of the exam:

  • They may ask you to determine the purpose of a particular , which means they are asking you why a writer makes that specific rhetorical choice or what the writer hopes to accomplish by making that choice.

  • Some questions ask about the writer’s line of reasoning - how the writer develops their line of reasoning or what choices they make that reveal their line of reasoning.🎥Watch: AP Lang -Rhetorical Analysis Multiple Choice Practice

  • You will also find some questions that ask you about the effect a particular rhetorical choice has on the audience - how the audience might react to a particular choice the writer makes.

    AP Lang English Language Multiple Choice | Fiveable (3)

  • A few questions will center on the in the passage the writer has used. You may be asked what type of evidence a writer uses and why the writer would choose that type of evidence. Also, with evidence, you might find a question that asks why a piece of evidence or an assertion the writer makes is relevant to the thesis or . Along the same lines are the questions that ask you to explain the link or the connection among the evidence, the line of reasoning, and the claim.

  • There will definitely be questions about the writer’s claims, and you may have to determine what type of claim the writer is making and why the writer would want to make that type of claim.

  • Always, as in the past, you must be able to demonstrate an understanding of the writer’s position and to determine the writer’s .

Types of Writing Questions

Here are some question types you might see during thewriting section of the multiple-choicepart of the exam.

The exam may ask you to examine the choices and determine which choice would tie the evidence to the claim or would support the claim most clearly.

Another question may ask which answer choice demonstrates the relevance of the evidence or the relevance of an assertion made in the original text. For this kind of question, you will need to determine how the evidence supports the claim by analyzing how it helps to prove that the claim is true or believable.🤔

The writing test asks questions about introductions (the beginning of a text), but also how to introduce a new claim or evidence. The question may ask you to choose which statement would serve as the best hook or most effective way to introduce a new idea in the text, and this includes bringing in a new piece of evidence.

The question may make a distinction between types of evidence. An example would be to distinguish between the best way to introduce an after a series of statistics or the most effective way to introduce factual after a descriptive passage.

Along with introducing evidence comes documented sources, and the test might ask you to pick the answer choice that best integrates a quotation serving as evidence. You will also need to be able to acknowledge sources clearly as some questions ask which change or revision posted would give credit to a source clearly and correctly. This almost always involves providing clear in-text citations.

🎥Watch: AP Lang -Composition Multiple Choice Practice

Organization is a popular topic in the writing section, and you will find questions that ask you to determine whether a sentence needs to be deleted or added and where that additional sentence would best fit in order for the writer to accomplish a particular goal. There will also be questions about the best way to from one claim to the next or from one type of evidence to another.

AP Lang English Language Multiple Choice | Fiveable (4)

There may be questions that ask about organization overall For example, you might be asked to find the best arrangement of paragraphs or ideas, but there may also be questions that ask you to determine the best order for sentences within a paragraph. These organization questions often align themselves with line-of-reasoning questions since the method of organization reveals a writer’s line of reasoning. Therefore, expect to see questions that ask which arrangement of sentences best supports a certain line of reasoning.

Knowing the writer's purpose is key in reading and writing questions. The test will ask you which choice or method best accomplishes the writer's purpose or helps the write achieve a particular goal. Multiple questions about individual rhetorical choices will center on why that choice helps the writer achieve the purpose of the passage.

AP Lang English Language Multiple Choice | Fiveable (5)

For a complete list of skills asked on the multiple-choice part of the AP English Language and Composition Exam, follow this link to the course description, and look under the headerDeveloping Course Skills.

Test-Taking Tips

Tips for the AP Language Multiple- Choice questions:

Tip #1 - Don’t skip the intro!

Read the background information for each text. Knowing the genre and audience of a text can help a reader understand particular rhetorical choices the author makes. Plus, knowing the time period in which the text was produced will help a reader understand certain word choices the author makes and /or societal constraints placed on the author.

Tip #2 - A change may not be needed!

The writing questions sometimes have an option listed “as it is now,” which indicates that the best way to convey meaning/accomplish purpose is through the structure/method originally written in the piece instead of making any of the offered changes.

Tip #3 - Practice in AP Classroom on your College Board account.

When you are in class and using Progress Check questions from College Board’s website (AP Classroom), make sure you read the explanations for the correct and incorrect answers when you have completed a set of questions. This will help you to understand the what the test writers were thinking as they wrote the questions, which will help you eliminate wrong answers, identify the distractor, and narrow your choices.

Tip #4 - Run through all the options.

Try out each answer choice in the writing questions as a replacement for the underlined section. Read the sample as it would read with each answer choice in place of the underlined section. The more you do this in practice, the faster it will come to you, and you will begin to see which types of answers make the writing more succinct. Especially with the writing questions, this will take a little more time, so as you practice, plan on allowing at least 30-35 minutes or so for writing questions, even though they may not make up 50% of the total number of questions.

Tip #5 - If you are clueless….

If you have absolutely no idea what the correct answer might be, see what you can eliminate first. Try to find the answers that have little to do with the topic of the passage first for reading questions, and mark out those options. When answering writing questions, mark out the questions that seem too vague, too broad, or too colloquial.Then for the remaining options, examine what makes the choices different. Then, see which aligns most closely with the purpose and tone of the selected passage/sentences. Check to see if the answer choices apply to the passage as a whole or to a particular area, and then choose the answer that suits the spirit of the question.

Tip #6 - Mark it and go.

Don’t get get stuck for too long on one question. Do your best to narrow your answer choices, then make a choice and move on. You should probably try not to spend more than one minute per question, and if you have time, you can come back to look at the ones that stumped you.

You can put a star beside the questions you want to reexamine, but marking each answer as you go will help you stay on track with bubbling in order and reduce the likelihood of bubbling an answer to the wrong question.

Facts to Remember about Language Questions:

  1. Clarity is always your first priority. Try to find the answer that makes the passage clear and understandable. This often that means writing a shorter version of the sentence, but not always.
  2. Look for answers that fit with the overall tone and purpose of the passage; while option "A" may be a logical choice, if option "B" is better suited to the tone or purpose of the passage, then option "B" is probably the correct answer.
  3. Passive voice and extra pronouns generally make writing less than clear and therefore should be avoided when selecting an answer choice.
  4. Introductions at the beginning of passages serve more than one purpose. They both generate a reader’s interest in the text and they also preview or set up the claims or major ideas that follow.
  5. Transitions and organizational patterns are key indicators of line of reasoning. The way a writer moves between topics and the way the writer has arranged the paragraphs will inevitably provide clues as to the writer’s reasoning - whether the writer is comparing/contrasting or describing or telling a story, etc.
  6. Quoted evidence is most effective when the writer has three parts: a set-up sentence that prepares the audience for the evidence they are about to read; The quotation itself embedded in an original sentence that also gives complete attribution for the speaker/writer of the quotation; A sentence that explains the relevance of the quotation and clearly ties the evidence to the writer’s purpose/thesis.

General Tips for MCQs

Tip #1 - Practice as you play✏️

Practice taking AP multiple-choice questions in a situation as close to testing conditions as you can. Here are some suggestions:

  • Practice using paper questions and a pencil, especially marking your answers on an answer sheet as this is what the AP exam will require you to do.
  • Use your pencil for more than just marking your answer. On the real exam, you may write all over the testing booklet, so practice using that pencil by:1. Annotating the text as you read it.1. Marking the passage targeted in the question.1. Marking out obviously wrong answers.

Tip #2 - Time yourself⏱️

The test itself has 45 questions with 60 minutes to complete them, which averages to about a minute and 15 seconds per question. If you can train yourself to answer each question in about a minute, then you will have plenty of time to complete the test – with some time left over for reviewing.

If you are practicing with fewer questions, regulate your time based on one minute, 15 seconds per question (12 questions x 75 seconds = 900 seconds, or 15 minutes).

Tip #3 - Change it up

Practice using different methods and compare your results. See which method fits your learning style best by practicing to see which system results in the most correct answers. Here are some methods to try:

  • Traditional method- Read the text, annotate as you go, and then answer the questions in order.
  • Questions first– Read through the questions first and then read the passage, paying especially close attention to what you remember from the questions.
  • Question/text/answer – Read the question, find an answer, read another question, find the answer, etc. (The exam questions are arranged in order as they appear in the passage – the first question will deal with an excerpt early in the passage, for example.)

Tip #4 - Don’t choose too quickly🔮

Read all answer choices before choosing.One answer may be a distractor – an answer that is close to being accurate or looks like it might be accurate, but it won’t be as clearly aligned to the question as another answer.One answer that looks to be accurate may not address all of the questions or may not apply to the passage in question, so look through all answer options to determine the answer that most appropriately addresses the passage indicated and answers just what the question asks.A few questions will have “all of the following except...” as a prompt. A savvy test taker will apply each option to the question before deciding which answer choice does not apply.

Sample Questions

Questions 1 - 3 are based on the following passage. The passage below is a draft.

(1) We argue in our society not necessarily to convince another person that our side is the right side or that our policy is the best option to take – that would be persuasion instead of argumentation. (2) We argue for more noble reasons, all based in the philosophy that free exchange of ideas brings a more equitable and democratic society. (3) We argue to explore various perspectives on an issue or problem so that we gain a fuller understanding of the issue or situation. (4) Often, when we are asked to confront or respond to a difficult social issue, we react, go with our gut, and these reactions are steeped in our cultural, social, familial, and religious upbringings. (5) We develop opinions based on the values we’ve been taught and the circ*mstances we have experienced. (6) Yet, going with our gut isn’t always logical, and when we examine why we feel the way we do, we sometimes discover that we don’t have reasons (claims) we can put into sentences that support our reaction (thesis). (7) Even if we have logical reasons to support our gut reaction, that gut reaction is limited to our personal experiences, but a well-formed can expand our understanding.

Which of the following sentences, if placed before sentence 1, would both capture the audience’s interest and provide the most effective introduction to the topic of the paragraph?

  1. Arguing offers our society great benefits.
  2. Argument has a central place in American culture because we believe democracy is best served by granting everyone a say in the decisions that affect our future.
  3. Americans argue because of our pluralistic belief system.
  4. Americans are quite argumentative and believe that arguments are good for our society.
  5. There are many different reasons argumentation is essential to American society.The writer wants to add a phrase at the beginning of sentence 3 (reproduced below), adjusting the as needed, to set up a transition from the introductory sentences to the more detailed information that follows.

(3) We argue to explore various perspectives on an issue or problem so that we gain a fuller understanding of the issue or situation.

Which of the following choices best accomplishes this goal?

  1. One of such noble reasons we argue is to explore...
  2. First, we argue to explore...
  3. One reason that we argue is to explore...
  4. In our society, we argue to explore…
  5. That philosophy means that we argue to explore...The writer wants to add the following sentence to this paragraph to provide additional explanation.

Our pluralistic society offers a myriad of perspectives regarding the problems we commonly face, but we often find ourselves surrounded by people who see the problem in the same way we do because of our shared common values or experiences.

Where would the sentence best be placed?

  1. After sentence 1
  2. After sentence 2
  3. After sentence 3
  4. After sentence 4
  5. After sentence 5

Key Terms

Terms likely to be found on the multiple-choice questions:

  1. Exigence
  2. Context
  3. Rhetorical situation
  4. Hypothetical
  5. Writer’s position
  6. Claims
  7. Evidence
  8. Tone
  9. Transition
  10. Introduction/introductory
  11. Argument
  12. Capitalization
  13. Description
  14. Definition (as method of development)
  15. Explanation
  16. Purpose (author’s purpose)
  17. Line of reasoning
  18. Justify (justification)
  19. Assert (assertion)
  20. Data
  21. Rhetorical choice
  22. Exemplify (exemplification)
  23. Rebut (rebuttal)
  24. Anecdote

Key Terms to Review (20)

Anecdote: An anecdote is a short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person. It is often used to support or illustrate a point in writing.

Argument: An argument is a logical and persuasive presentation of ideas or claims supported by evidence. It involves presenting a claim and providing reasons and evidence to convince the audience.

Capitalization: Capitalization refers to the use of uppercase letters at the beginning of a word or in certain situations, such as proper nouns and the first word in a sentence.

Cite/Citation: Cite/citation means acknowledging and referencing the source(s) of information used in research or writing to give credit and support claims.

Claim: A claim is a statement that asserts a position or belief about a particular topic. It serves as the main point or thesis of an argument and requires support from evidence.

Comparison: Comparison involves examining similarities and differences between two or more things in order to highlight certain aspects or draw conclusions about them.

Concession: Concession refers to acknowledging an opposing viewpoint or argument while still maintaining one's own position. It demonstrates fairness and strengthens the overall argument by addressing counterarguments.

Consensus: Consensus refers to a general agreement among a group of people where everyone's opinions align or compromise is reached.

Contrast: Contrast is a rhetorical strategy that involves highlighting differences between two or more things or ideas.

Credibility: Credibility is the quality of being trusted, reliable, and believable. In writing, it refers to the author's ability to convince readers that their information or argument is accurate and trustworthy.

Data: Data refers to factual information or statistics that are collected and analyzed to support a claim or draw conclusions.

Evidence: Evidence refers to the information or data that supports a claim or argument. It is used to persuade the audience and make the argument more convincing.

Exemplify (Exemplification): Exemplify means to provide examples or instances that illustrate a concept or idea. It is the act of using specific cases to demonstrate a general point.

Introduction: The introduction is the opening section of an essay or speech that provides background information, sets the tone, and presents the main argument or thesis statement.

Purpose (Author's Purpose): The purpose refers to the reason why an author writes a particular piece of text. It can be to inform, persuade, entertain, or express their thoughts and feelings.

Rebut (Rebuttal): To rebut means to provide evidence or arguments that contradict or challenge an opposing viewpoint.

Revise / Revision: Revision refers to the process of reviewing, editing, and making changes to written work in order to improve its clarity, coherence, and effectiveness. It involves rethinking and refining ideas, organization, structure, language usage, and overall presentation.

Rhetorical Choice: Rhetorical choice refers to the deliberate decisions made by a speaker or writer in order to effectively communicate their message and persuade their audience.

Tone: Tone refers to the author's attitude or feelings towards the subject matter of a text. It sets the overall mood and atmosphere of a piece of writing.

Transition: Transitions are words, phrases, or sentences that connect ideas and help readers follow the flow of a text. They provide smooth transitions between paragraphs and sections.

AP Lang English Language Multiple Choice | Fiveable (2024)


Is the AP Lang multiple-choice hard? ›

For many students, the MCQs might be the most difficult test section because you must read five selections per question and answer 45 questions within an hour.

What is a good multiple-choice score for AP Lang? ›

Strategies for Passing AP Language Multiple Choice

For those aiming for a total score of 3, it is best to aim for around 55% or 23 out of 45 questions. For students aiming for a total score of 4, a success rate of 65-70% is suggested. Those aiming for a total score of 5 should aim for around 80% accuracy.

What percent is a 5 on AP Lang? ›

45-59% = 3. 60-74% = 4. 75% or more = 5.

How much is the multiple-choice worth on the AP Lang exam? ›

You'll receive one point for every correct answer on the multiple-choice section of the exam, which is worth 45% of your score. The free-response section is worth 55% of your score.

What is harder, AP Lang or AP Lit? ›

The AP English tests are equally difficult, but for AP lit, you have to read many books and do deep learning for all of them. Therefore, it requires more time and patience. On the other hand, while AP lang needs less reading, the writing part is equal for both.

What is a 72% on an AP test? ›

From what I've seen from my research, a 5 on most AP exams equates to about at least a 70–75%.

Is AP Lang difficult? ›

AP Language, also known as AP English Language and Composition, can indeed be challenging, but the difficulty level is subjective and depends on your personal strengths and commitment to the class. However, don't let the potential challenge deter you from taking the course!

How hard is it to get a 5 on AP Lang? ›

To give you a sense of the difficulty, in 2021, on 9.1% of test takers earned a 5, although 22.9% and 25.8% scored a 4 and 3 respectively. Still, the AP Lang exam is significantly easier that the AP Lit exam, for which only 4.9% of students earned a 5.

How much of the AP test is multiple-choice? ›

Here are the basics of the AP English exam: it has 55 multiple-choice questions, worth 45% of your score, and three essays, worth 55% of your score. Each essay is graded between 1 and 9.

What is a 3 on AP Lang multiple-choice? ›

Of all the score ranges, those scoring 25-34 on the multiple choice section represent the largest group of candidates receiving at least a “3” on the AP exam. A student who earns a “C” in the course is expected to earn at least a “3” on the AP exam.

How many multiple-choice questions are on the AP Literature exam? ›

There are 55 MCQs on the AP Lit exam and three Free-Response questions. The MCQ section is worth 45% of the score, and the FRQ is worth 55% of the score.

How many multiple-choice questions are on the AP Calculus exam? ›

The AP Calculus AB course is organized into 4 topics: Limits and Derivatives, Applications of Differentiation, Integration, and Applications of Integration. The AP Calculus AB exam is divided into two sections: multiple-choice (45 questions, 1 hour 45 minutes) and free-response (6 questions, 90 minutes).

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